Chapter 15

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Religious Compound, Ohio

Zoey lay on the ground as her ears began ringing like they do every time she was around or near an explosion which was weirdly frequently in her line of work lately. The blonde groaned at the sound pushing herself it sit up as everything spun around her in a blurry mass of bright lights. The blonde pushed herself to her feet stumbling when someone steadied her, Zoey looked up to see Morgan who had an arm around her as he lead her over to a nearby ambulance to get checked over. 

The ringing eventually faded and her vision came back and the paramedics cleared her which Zoey had no idea why considering the possibilities of a head injury or broken ribs but the blonde accepted the free pass honestly wanting to get checked over at Med considering they were overly worried about everything especially head injuries.

BAU Privet Jet 

The team sat on the Jet flying back to Virginia, Zoey sat at a table across from Reid who seemed off since they left Ohio and the compound. "Hey," Zoey said softly pulling his attention away from the book he was staring at instead of reading. "Hey," he said with a sad smile, Zoey reached over and took his hands. "Look, I need you to listen to me, Spence. What Benjamin did to me is not your fault, It was my decision and I would do it again. Do you hear me?" she asked him as he just sat there and nodded to her sending her a small smile as he rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb. "Hey superwoman, it's for you," Morgan said handing her his phone since her's was dead and on charge. 

Zoey took the device placing it to her ear, "SSA Severide," the blonde said through the line as silence came through. "Hello?" she said again unsure if anyone was there, "Thank god your okay" it was Jay's voice on the other side of the line. "I wouldn't thank God, I'd thank the team," Zoey said with a smile. "Are you okay?" he asked the worry clear in his voice, "I'm okay, I'm still probably gonna head to Med when I get home," Zoey said catching the team's attention as she spoke. "I'll give Will a heads up, when are you flying into O'Hare? I'll pick you up." the detective said. "Jay I honestly feel okay just wanna make sure everything's all good, The paramedics just cleared me a lot faster than I think they should've," Zoey said casually. 

That and she knew that if Shay was around she'd insist she go get checked and additionally she would make a comment about how incompetent some paramedics could be. "We should be landing in Virginia in the next half hour, I'll probably head straight to Chicago from there depending on what Hotch says," she said as Hotch just looked over at her with furrowed brows. "I'll get the pilot to land at O'Hare first, go get yourself checked over," was all the unit chief said. "I'll go tell the pilot," JJ said as she stood up. "Never mind I should be at O'hare in the next hour and a half. I love you" Zoey said the last part more softly. "I love you too, I'll be waiting at the gate for you," Jay said before Zoey hung up the phone and handed it back to Morgan. 

"So you two are back together," Prentiss said with a smirk from across the plane. "Yea, we worked things out the last time I was home," Zoey replied with a smile. "Hey congratulations kid," Rossi said along with the rest of the team that was happy to hear she was finally back together with the detective. 

O'Hare International Airport, Chicago 

Zoey departed the plane heading across the tarmac and into the airport where Jay was waiting for her. The blonde started walking over to the detective that engulfed her in a hug when he saw her. Zoey groaned a bit in pain as he squeezed her ribs, the sound caused him to let go of her noticing her face was busted and still swollen. "You okay?" he asked worried, "Yea I'm alright," she replied sending the detective a half smile. "Did the hospital discharge you in Ohio?" he asked her as they started heading towards the exit of the airport. Zoey scoffed, "The paramedics didn't take me, they cleared me at the scene" she replied to Jay who looked shocked. "Unbelievable, C'mon let's get you to Med. Will's waiting for you," Jay said as they walked outside to where Jay's grey pickup truck was parked.

The detective helped Zoey into the passenger seat before he walked around the vehicle climbing in and immediately driving off towards Med. "How could they just clear you?" Jay asked clearly mad. "I don't know, that's why I'm going to Med," she said as the truck pulled into the parking lot of the massive hospital. 

Jay parked the truck and Zoey climbed out trying not to hiss in pain as she moved her ribs the wrong way, The dark-haired detective walked Zoey into the ED which wasn't that busy but it was also 5 in the morning. "Hey Jay-" Will froze when his eyes landed on Zoey. "Hey doc," she said with a small smile. "I thought you said it wasn't bad?" Will asked Jay as he walked over to them. "It's not that bad," Zoey said, "I just picked her up from the airport," Jay said. "The hospital cleared you to fly?!" Will asked baffled. "Again, the medics at the scene cleared me in like 5 minutes flat. Seemed a bit to suspish to me," Zoey told the ginger-haired doctor. "This way," he said shaking his head a little as he lead her into one of the empty treatment room. "Do you remember the name of the paramedic that cleared you?" Will asked irritated as Zoey laughed a little at how protective both the Halstead siblings were being as she sat on the bed. 

Zoey instantly winced at the sharp pain in her side from the moment or maybe her laugh. The blonde squeezed her eyes shut taking in a sharp breathe. "Zoey, you okay?" Jay asked, "fantastic" she said holding her side taking some breaths before she opened her eyes, "Can I see your side?" Will asked as Zoey laid back fighting the tears that threatened to spill from the sharp pain that shot through her ribs at the sudden movement. 

Zoey slowly lifted her shirt up and Will's face instantly flashed worry as Jay looked horrified, "I'm gonna need to take you for X-rays, what happened?" he asked. "Some bastard told the news there was an undercover agent in the compound I was at; The cult leader wasn't to thrilled about it." Zoey said. "Wait wasn't another agent with you?" Jay asked causing the blonde to nod her head slowly. "He was gonna shoot Reid in the head right in front of me, said God would forgive him for what had to be done, So I told him I was the undercover agent," Zoey said causing both Will and Jay to stare at her in disbelief. 

"Why the Hell...would you do that? Zo he could've killed you" Jay said. "Because I could watch one of my best friends die in front of me, and I could handle this. Jack did way worse and you learn to fall a certain way so you get less injured; and after Tobias Hankle I couldn't sit there and watch Reid get beaten up because some lunitic things it's Gods will" the blonde said. "That doesn't mean it should've been you Zo," Jay said with sadness written on his face. 

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