Chapter 17

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Zoey & Kelly's Townhouse, Chicago 

Zoey spent the last few days sleeping after she got released from med. Jay caught a case with intelligence and Kelly was on shift but stopped by the hospital on his way to work. The blonde was exhausted and in pain and moving the smallest amount hurt like Hell. The blonde put her phone on silent since the sound it made while ringing caused her brain to stop functioning due to her concussion. 

Zoey lay in bed just staring at the roof not able to sleep but also not wanting to move to take her pain meds because the movement would cause her to start to cry in pain. There was a knock on her front door faintly. I'm not moving whoever it is will go away, she thought. The knock banged louder through the townhouse. Zoey moved crying a little in pain as she pushed herself up off the bed. "Fuck," she muttered slowly walking out of her room and over to the front door as another loud knock sounded through the house. 

The blonde pulled the door open irritatedly to find JJ, Prentiss, Morgan, Reid, Rossi, Hotch and Garcia standing there. "You look like you've had better days kid," Rossi said as Zoey stepped aside to let them in. "Thanks, I feel like a bag of smashed apples," Zoey replied earning a weird look from the team as she closed the door after everyone walked in. "Nice house," Reid said admiring all the art and photos on the walls; compared to the townhouse she once shared with her ex. This house felt like a home whereas her last house felt off. 

"A bag of smashed apples?" Morgan asks making sure he heard her correctly, Zoey nods leaning on the kitchen counter trying to hide how much pain she was in with each move she made but the team could see through it. "Didn't your doctor give you something for the pain?" Reid was the one to ask. Zoey nods her head, "Yea, they got put in the bathroom," Zoey said before looking across the large open space towards the hall where the bathroom was. Morgan went to say something when the front door opened and Kelly walked in with his work bag. 

"Oh, hey," He said a bit surprised to see his house full of his sister's work colleagues. "How was work?" Zoey asked looking over at him, "Weirdly quiet," he replied setting a duffle bag on the floor and going over to the kitchen to make a coffee. "So what brings you guys by? Miss me already?" Zoey asked with a smile as she tried to fight the urge to laugh. The team smiled at her, "Of course we do superwoman," Morgan said with a smile from the couch. "It's not the same without you kid," Rossi said. "Ah, I see. You guys are worried I'm enjoying this free time and might consider retirement?" the blonde said more than asked causing all the agents to look at her. "I mean, are you?" Prentiss asked causing Zoey to cackle and then double over in pain fighting the tears forming from the pain. 

"Have you taken your meds yet?" Kelly asked her as she just shook her head no. Her older brother sighed shaking his head before he walked towards the bathroom returning within a minute. "No, I'm not retiring. I've been off for 3 days and I'm itching for a case just anything to do other than lay around all day, I'm losing my mind. I'm gonna start profiling 60-year-old cold cases off the internet for something to do," Zoey said as Kelly handed the blond 2 pills and a cup of water. "Thanks, Kells, your the best," she said taking the pills with the water knowing she'll probably be passed out on the couch in the next 20 minutes due to the medication. 

"You really gotta better with taking those Zo," he said looking at her. "I know but they make me so tired I pass out for 15 hours then when I wake up I can barely move everything hurts," she replied with a sigh irritated by her constant pain and not being able to work. Kelly gave her a sad look, "I can talk to Boden- No your not taking time off to babysit me, Kelly. I'm a big girl, I'll manage" Zoey said cutting her brother off from even suggesting he take time off work to take care of his little sister who's a grown adult; regardless of the fact that she was physically a wreck. 

The truth was Zoey didn't want Kelly to see her constantly cry not just because of the pain but because of the memories the case brought back. Benjamin yanking her around like a rag doll brought back a lot of painful memories of Jack and his temper. "I can stay here for a bit and help Zoey and work as long as she has decent wifi," Garcia offered. There was a light knock on the door and it opened after Jay walked into the house. 

The detective looked around confused by the bau's presence as he took his shoes off and walked in holding a bag of McDonald's. "Hey babe, everything okay?" he asked setting the bag of food in front of Zoey before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Yea, but can you tell everyone I don't need a babysitter?" she asked him causing him to chuckle a little. "I mean... you can be a little stubborn, why?" the detective replied. "Than it's settled- whoa hang on. You do know if Garcia works from here I'm gonna wanna help out." the blonde said. "Well you can't, you need to rest superwoman," Morgan said before Hotch could say anything. 

"I won't tell you about the case," Garcia suggested, Zoey sent them a look before she walked over to her room and retrieved a huge folder dropping it on the coffee table in front of everyone before returning to her spot next to Jay by the counter. Everyone was quiet as Morgan opened the file finding almost a dozen cold cases. "So this is what you've been doing?" Morgan said more than asked causing Zoey to shrug. 

Jay walked over looking at the file, "Didn't Will literally tell you 4 days ago to rest?" he asked unimpressed. "What am I supposed to do, I'm bored all day and I hate not being productive in one way or another," Zoey replied. "These are actually some pretty good theories," Reid said going over the file. "Severide you're supposed to be resting not working," Hotch said, "Does anyone see me getting paid to work those cases?" she replied sarcastically. "I'll talk to Voight and get some time off to keep an eye on you," Jay offered. "No," Zoey protested as Hotch nodded along with Kelly. "Someone is sticking around to make sure you actually get some rest Zo, so take your pick," Kelly said in his what Zoey always called his Dad tone. 

Zoey sighed as the medication started to kick in making her really tired suddenly, "Fine," she huffed leaning back to rest her head on Jay's chest while she looked up at him. "Go figure it'd be loverboy," Morgan said with a light laugh. "Do you mind if I take this?" Reid asked still going through the file. "Go for it, she's not gonna need it," the detective said before Zoey could say anything. "I'm gonna go call Voight," Jay said as he went over to Zoey's room already making the call. 

When Jay returned he ended up helping Zoey back to bed since her medication hit her like a wall and she was starting to fall asleep while standing. The detective put a blanket over Zoey's small frame before he walked out of her room closing the door behind him. "She's out cold," Jay said walking into the kitchen to make a coffee. "So I've been thinking..." Jay said turning to the others, "What's on your mind lover boy?" Morgan asked him from the couch. 

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