Chapter 3

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FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Severide made her way into the office as she normally did every day with a can of monster in her hand and her go bag over her shoulder. "Good morning Superwoman," Morgan said leaning on his desk and looking at his partner as she walked over to her desk taking a seat. "Morning," she said before drinking the half-empty can in her hand. "Severide?" Hotch said stepping out of his office at the top of the stairs as he nodded towards his office. Morgan looked at her in confusion, "What's that about?" he asks as Severide shrugged before standing up. "I'm about to find out," She says before walking up the stairs and into his office. 

"Get the door," he said from his desk once the agent walked into the room. Severide shut the door before walking over and standing in front of her boss. "Sir?" she asked confused as to why he called her in there. "So I got a call from Dr. Halstead at Chicago Med," he started to say earning a surprised look especially since Will cleared her for work over a month ago. "He wanted to see if you could head down to med for a follow-up." Hotch said. "That makes no sense he cleared me a month ago," Severide said causing her unit chief to shrug. "I'm gonna need you to head over to Med and get that sorted," Hotch told her. 

"Can't it wait?" she asked earning an unimpressed look from her unit chief. "Severide. I'm not asking, I don't wanna see you back here until it's sorted" Hotch said as Zoey just nodded. "I'll see you when you get back," was all Hotch said as the blonde agent left his office. She sighed walking back over to her desk picking up her bag and keys, "Where you going superwoman?" Morgan asked catching Reid and Prentiss' attention. "I apparently have to go back to Chicago for a checkup. Apparently, the doctor that cleared me called Hotch. Anyways. I gotta go especially if I wanna be back in the city by Morning hopefully," Severide said. "You aren't flying?" Reid asks as the blonde shakes her head no. "I just got a brand new Ferrari, would you fly?" Zoey asked rhetorically. "Anyways I should be back in a couple of days at most," she adds before making her way out of the office and taking the elevator down to the parking garage of the building. 

It didn't take Zoey long to get outside to her car and set up her music for the long drive ahead of her. She didn't mind though it gave her a chance to get to know her new car and now she wouldn't have to rely on anybody else to drive her around when she got back to Chicago. The drive was supposed to take roughly 12 hours but Zoey drove the trip in 10 hours which wasn't hard when she was driving 100 miles an hour down the interstate. 

Chicago Illinois

Zoey's red Ferrari made it just outside Chicago around 4 pm which was incredible timing considering she left Virginia at 9 this morning. Once Zoey got off the highway she instantly put the windows down as she drove through the city earning many looks as she drove past. The blonde just smirked as she sang along to the music playing while she wore Jay's ray bands she forgot to return. 

Zoey drove down the streets noticing a familiar Grey truck sitting at a light as she pulled up next to it looking over and making eye contact with Jay. A smirk played on the blonde's lips as she looked over the sunglasses at him sending him a wink as she saw the shock on not only his face but Antonio's as well. Zoey revved her car a little as the light went green and she drove off letting out a laugh. Jay's truck followed her and she had to suppress a snicker as his lights flipped on and he pulled the blonde over. 

Zoey pulled the car over as both Jay and Antonio got out walking over to her car. "Something wrong detectives?" she asked innocently smiling at both the guys. "A Ferrari?" Antonio asks, "Isn't she beautiful? I figured I needed a new car anyways and figured why not?" she said smiling at the sports are she was driving. "When did you get back?" Jay asked, " Like 10 minutes ago, your brother called my boss about a follow-up appointment so I got sent back," Zoey said causing him to nod. "After that, I'm driving back to Virginia," she replied, "Nice! you should stop by and see Gabby on your way to Med, she's been missing you like crazy" Antonio said. "When did you leave Virginia?" Jay asked her, "This morning, why?" she replied. The detective looked at his watch and then up at Zoey. "That's a 12-hour drive and you did it in 8?" he asked, Zoey, suppressed a smirk. "It sounds pretty when you go fast," she said sounding like a kid. 

Antonio and Jay just laughed, "Your lucky you didn't get caught," Jay said. "Like they'd catch me if they tried" she replied with a smile as a call came through their radios. "Well we gotta go but drive safe, I don't wanna visit you in the hospital because you drove like an idiot," Antonio said as he and Jay went back to his truck. 

Zoey smiles as she pulled back onto the road driving off towards her and Kelly's house. The blonde bobbed her head to the sound of the music as she made a few turns realizing she was only a block away from firehouse 51. 

Firehouse 51, Chicago 

A smirk crossed her face as the bright red Ferrari pulled into the driveway of the firehouse in front of the giant open bay floors. The sound of the engine caused most of the firefighters to take notice of the luxury car. Zoey switched the car off and opened her door stepping out and walking around the car as she took off the ray bands setting them on her head as she sat on the hood of the brand new car looking at them. "So what's up?" she asked with a smirk as she watched her brother staring at the car she was sitting on. "When did you get this?" he asked with wide eyes full of excitement. "This morning, goes 0 to 100 in 6 seconds" she replied with a smirk, "So you drove like a maniac all the way here?" Gabby asked earning a scoff from Zoey. "Me? Never. I drive like a saint," she replies with a smile causing everyone to laugh as Zoey hopped off the car. 

"So why are you back so soon?" Kelly asks, "Have a follow-up appointment at med that nobody told me about until this morning. I don't mind got to drive this beauty the whole way here," Zoey replied. "Whose car is this and why is it I'm my driveway?" a familiar voice that sent chills down Zoey's spine. Her head whipped in the direction and she turned toward the reason she became a federal agent in the first place. The blonde stared in the direction like she'd seen a ghost, but in her mind, she was seeing a ghost one she wished would've stayed in the past. 

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