Sorry for the hiatus I also just realized the edited version of the last chapter didn't post when I first published it
She woke up with Nate's arm wrapped around her. She had woken up to a knock at the door. She turned, shaking him slightly. She wasn't really interested in getting up, and people still didn't know about them. And for the time being she wanted to keep it that way she liked the privacy that they had. "Baby."


"Someone's at the door." She wasn't sure who it was but she knew the questions that would come if she was the one that openeded the door. And right now she liked the peace and not having to worry about what other people thought.

He opened his eyes, yawning he kissed her on her forehead. "Morning." He climbed out of the bed stretching quickly. "I'll be right back."

"Shirt." Nina called after him she didn't care if others had seem dhim before she was possesive about what was hers.

He grabbed a shirt off his dresser chuckling, he had to admit he loved the side of Nina that liked keeping him to herself. He pulled the shirt on closing his door behind him, going to answer the door. "Who is it?"

"Open the door."

Nate opened the door to see Danielle Leah Riley Claire and Phoebe. They could tell just by looking at him that he hadn't been up for long.  "You just woke up."

"Yes." There was no point of lying about it they knew him and they knew what he looked like when he just got up from whenever they would shoot.

Danielle lookeld at her phone time she couldn't believe that he was just now waking up. "It's noon."

"So?" He had enjoyed sleeping with Nina wrapped in his arms.

Phoebe cleared her throat directing the attention back to what they arrived for. She knew that Nate was hiding something or better yet someone from them and they wanted to know who it was. "We need to talk?"

Now he knew that if all five of them showed up this early that it was important or they were just really impaitent about what they wanted to know. "About?"

"Who's the girl?" Riley knew that it was someone she just wasn't sure who it could be she knew that Nate was private about his love life.

Leah held her hand in warning she refused to let him get away with telling him that there was no one and that he wasn't acting weird. "Before you play that, it's no one card."

"You ditched out so fast at Nina's get-together." Danielle had been looking for him to take some more pictures and she hadn't been able to find him.

"You made a lame excuse." Phoebe didn't get why Nate had thought that he could lie to him when he knew that they knew almost everything about each other from when they had all worked with each other.

"And you have been distracted," Claire had worked with Nate for a long time and she knew that something was up and she hated that he was keeping it from them they were all a family.

"Are you serious right now?" He knew that they had a point they were right he had been distracted and he had purposely ditched at the get-together but he knew that him and Nina weren't going to have privacy forever and he wanted to keep it as long as he could.

"We don't keep secrets." Phoebe had spent a lot of time with Nate and she hated that he was lying to her she knew something was up and she wanted to know what it was.

Claire crossed her arms over her chest she wanted to know who the girl was that was the only explanation for the way that he was acting. "Who is it? i know you better than all of them, Nate."

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