| work visit |

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you walked through the busy starcourt mall, pushing past groups of teenagers and families with screaming children as you made your way to the escalators. you were cramped on them, unable to move even the slightest bit. you just shook your head and focused your attention on the upper floor but more specifically, scoops ahoy. your boyfriend, steve harrington, was working there today and you knew that it wasn't his choice to work there. his father forced him to get a job because he didn't get into college. as the escalator reached the top, you once again pushed your way through the crowds and stood in the line for scoops.

you tapped your foot as you waited, looking around at the sailor interior of the shop. the line went down and you got closer and closer to steve. once the people in front of you had left, you stood in front of the counter as steve was standing at the ice cream, cleaning his ice cream scooper. he had his scoops ahoy hat on, flattening his styled brown hair. "ahoy, what can i get you?" he said, looking up quickly before returning his attention the scooper. "wow, can't even greet your girlfriend, harrington?" you joked, scoffing in mock offence. when steve heard your voice his head shot up and his face lit up. "holy shit." he said, making a mother with her children look at him with a shocked look on her face. he walked out from behind the counter and pulled you out of the line, wrapping his arms around you and resting his chin on your shoulder. "aren't you a sight for these sore eyes." he murmured as he hugged you. you chuckled and hugged him back. he pulled away and planted a kiss on your forehead before grabbing your hand and leading you to the back.

when the door had opened, you saw robin sitting on the table, her headphones over her ears and her eyes closed. steve walked over to the table and smacked his hand down on it, making robin jump and open her eyes. she pulled the headphones off and let them hang around her shoulder. "what the hell?" she said. "i'm taking my break." steve informed her. robin looked behind him and saw you standing near the door. you waved slightly at her and she smiled over at you. robin hopped down from the table and pushed steve's shoulder gently. "it's so unfair that you get to come back here every time y/n arrives." she said, grabbing her ahoy hat and putting it on. steve smirked and grabbed your hand again, pulling you in front of him. he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder, kissing your neck slightly from behind. "jesus, at least wait until i leave." robin scoffed, pulling open the door and walking out.

steve chuckled against your neck before turning you around to face him, his arms still securely wrapped around your waist. he pulled you closer, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. you heard a faint sound of something opening followed by the sound of someone clearing their throat. steve reluctantly pulled away from you and looked to the side and saw robin hanging through the service window. "use protection, you two. don't want any mini harrington's running around scoops when i'm working." robin joked, winking at you both. steve rolled his eyes and separated from you, walking over to the service window and slamming it closed. you chuckled as steve walked back over to you, sitting on the table robin was sitting on earlier and held his hand out towards you. you grabbed it and sat beside him.

you placed your head on steve's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you as close to him as he could. you lifted your head too look up at him and he looked down at you and smiled. you smiled back and saw he was still wearing his hat with the 'ahoy' written across the front in blue all caps letters in a fancy font. you let out a little laugh and steve looked at you confused. "what's so funny?" he asked. "your hat." you replied. steve threw his head back slightly and grabbed the hat off of his head. "it's so stupid. it totally ruins my best feature." he complained, blowing into the hat and making the top bounce back out after he flattened it. he sat it behind him and ran his free hand through his hair, trying to style it without a mirror.

"steve, you're just messing it up more." you told him. steve groaned. "it's all the hats fault." he murmured. "you can't seriously have beef with a hat, steve." you said. "i can if it ruins my hair!" he told you. you laughed a little and jumped off the table. "where you going?" he asked. "i'm going to fix your hair." you replied. you stood between his legs and ran your hands through his hair, styling it as you did so. steve closed his eyes at the feeling of your hands in his hair, his own hands reaching for you. he placed them on your waist and pulled you closer as you styled his hair. you played around with it for another minute before removing your hands. steve opened his eyes. "you look like a million bucks." you told him. "don't i always?" he joked. you rolled your eyes playfully. "of course you do." you said. he smiled up at you and moved his hands from your waist to the sides of your neck. he pulled you closer to him and leaned forward, kissing you like he did earlier but this time, without any interruption.

steve pulled away a minute or so later, his hands staying on the sides of your neck as his thumbs stroked your jaw. "how on earth did i get so lucky that you agreed to be my girl, huh, gorgeous?" he asked, his eyes filled with love and adoration as he looked at you. you felt your cheeks get warmer at the nickname. "oh please, i'm the lucky one." you said. steve shook his head. "nope, nuh-uh. i mean, i must've done something right for my life to be blessed with you." he said. your cheeks were getting warmer and warmer. "jesus, your face is so red right now." he teased. you pushed him away slightly. "shut up." you said and covered your face with your hand. steve got up from the table and moved your hand away from your face. "no, don't cover your face, it's so cute." he told you, leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. you both just stood there, enjoy one another's company.

steve looked at the clock behind you and grabbed your hand. "closing is in five minutes." he told you as he walked out of the back, dragging you with him. he walked behind the counter and stood at the ice cream, taking the scooper out of his pocket and spinning it in his fingers. "what flavour do you want, gorgeous?" he asked. you told him the flavour and he quickly grabbed a cone and scooped the ice cream into it, handing it to you once he was finished. he made himself one before he walked out from behind the counter and took your hand, walking towards the open glass doors. "uh, where are you going? you have to pay and you're closing tonight." robin yelled at him. "employee discount and i closed last night." he said. "employee discount doesn't mean it's free. plus, y/n doesn't work here." she stated. steve looked at you then back at robin and shrugged. "ooh, wait, i forgot..." steve said, walking over to the counter. he reached his hand into the tips jar and grabbed a handful of the money, shoving it into his pocket. "hey, half of that's mine!" robin exclaimed. "you still haven't payed me back from the last time you took more than half." steve said, walking back over to you and taking your hand again. robin opened her mouth to say something but steve walked out with you before she could start her sentence. you both walked out the mall together, hand in hand.

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