| pool day |

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you lie on the sun lounger, covering your eyes with your arm. it was so hot you thought you were going to melt.

you hear your boyfriend, steve, groan beside you. "it's too damn hot." he complained, fanning himself with his hands.

"great observation captain obvious." you said, the heat getting to you. you were both sitting in your swimsuits, hoping it would cool you down.

steve rolled his eyes and stood up, walking over to the pool. he stretched before jumping in, splashing you with water. you gasped at the sudden cool feeling on your skin.

"steve!" you yelped. he resurfaced and smiled at you, beckoning you to come in with him. you shook your head before resting back on your lounger.

you felt another splash of cool water on your body, making you jolt up. you looked at steve in the pool. he stood there with a smirk on his face.

"well, you may as well come in with me now." he said, smiling at you. "no, steve. i just want to lie out." you replied, resting down once again.

you expected him to soak you again but he didn't.
you heard water sloshing about but then it went quiet. you assumed he got bored and just wanted to lie down with you.

you felt an arm go under your legs and another slide under your back. suddenly, you were being hoisted up into the air. you quickly opened your eyes and saw steve, carrying you bridal style towards the pool.

you threw your arms around his neck, holding onto him. "steve harrington, what the hell are you doing?" you asked him. he smirked at you before stopping at the side of the pool. "you should've just came in with me." he said, pressing a quick kiss on your forehead.

he quickly threw you into the pool. he laughed as you quickly stood up in the pool. "steve!" you screamed, moving your hair out of your face. he jumped in too, making his way over to you.

you splashed water at him, making him shake his head like a dog trying to get water off their fur. you laughed before swimming closer to him. he smiled and threw his arms around you, holding you close.

you relaxed into his touch, resting your head on his chest. you began to close your eyes but then steve put his hands on your shoulders, pushing you under the water.

he clutched his stomach due to him laughing too much as you popped up from underneath the water. "i can't believe you fell for it." he said while still laughing.

"are you a child, steve?" you asked while trying to get the water out your eyes. his laughing eventually stopped as he made his way towards you. your put your hands into the water and pushed the water in his direction.

this time, you laughed as he tried to avoid the water that came flying towards him. steve threw his hands up. "okay! okay! i surrender!" he joked, waving his hands around. he held his hand out, the other one sort of covering his face in case you tried to soak him.

"truce?" he said. you shook his hand and nodded. "truce." he tugged your hand, pulling you towards him and wrapping his arms around you. he lifted you up and spun you around. you laughed as he did this.

steve smiled up at you. he loved to see you happy. he put you back down in the pool. you saw him smiling and it automatically made you smile too.

steve's hands sat on your shoulder before slowly making their way to the sides of you neck. you felt your cheeks get slightly warmer as he leaned in. you both closed your eyes. your lips gently touched. your arms quickly wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. steve pulled back after a while.

you rested your head on steve's shoulder before your hands made their way to his wet hair, slowing running your fingers through it.

he ran his hands up and down your back. "aren't you glad i threw you in now?" he joked. you just rolled your eyes and slapped the back of his head,
making him laugh.

708 words

steve harrington | imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now