| i DON'T like him |

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you look down at the, now crumpled, piece of paper in your hand.

should you call him?

no, why would you? you don't like him. he ruined your college plans, you remind yourself over and over.

you set the piece of paper with his number beside your landline and try to distract yourself by watching some tv but the paper seems to be calling out to you. it was like a siren song, dragging you in and persuading you to call him.

but you won't give in, you have some self control.

plus, there's no reason to call him.

and then you remember, you still have his jacket.

you pick up the piece of paper and the phone receiver before pressing in his number in the number pad.

you hold the receiver to your ear and place the piece of paper down onto the table once again.

now, you start overthinking.

what if this was all a big prank and he wanted to humiliate you? what if the number was for another girl and not you? what if he has a girlfriend? what if-

"hello?" the familiar, and now less annoying, voice of steve harrington speaks over the phone.

you quickly snap back to reality.

"steve, uh, it's y/n." you say as soon as you gather the words.

steve smiles on the other side, you can hear it in his voice. "hey, y/n." he says, but he no longer sounds obnoxious and ignorant to you like he used to.

"hey, uh, i forgot to give you back your jacket earlier. i just ran into my house 'cause i didn't wanna get soaked and i didn't realise i had your jacket until i was in the house and i looked back our and you were already gone, so... yeah..." you rambled on.

he didn't need the details, all you literally had to say was 'i still have your jacket' but no, you just had to carry on.

steve chuckled on the other side of the call, but it wasn't mocking you. he wasn't laughing at you, so to say, but at your words.

"it's fine." he replies after he stops laughing, you hear him move around. "you can give it back tomorrow?"

it was more of a question than a statement.

"yeah, sure, that's fine. cool..."

you said, cringing at your own awkwardness.

you heard steve chuckle again and you could practically hear the smug smile you once hated in his voice.

"bye, y/n."

he then hung up the phone, leaving you still cringing at how you spoke to him.

you shook it off and just went to bed, hoping you wouldn't be this awkward when you have him the jacket back tomorrow.


you got ready in the morning to give steve his jacket back. you had called a mechanic to fix up your car so hopefully it was a nice day out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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