002 - The Flirt Down The Hall

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Claudia's POV:
Making it to the cafeteria I hear mumbled insults about my friends and I.

"I heard Florence is here because she watched her parents die, Boo hoo how tragic"

"Yeah well I'm pretty sure Sadie was in a fire and a building nearly collapsed on her, like girl get over yourself"

"People say Claudia was kidnapped and given drugs but I think she's lying and wants attention, like who would want to kidnap her black ass"

Hearing those comments made Sadie try to run back and smack the shit out of them. Unluckily for her Flo held her back, although I did want to see Sadie absolutely crush the girls skulls in she couldn't get into anymore fights or there would be consequences.

"C'mon Sadie you can't get into anymore fights" Flo reasoned. 

Finally dragging Sadie to our table in the corner we sit down and wait for the clock to hit 8:00am which is when breakfast starts and we can get our food.

"Only 5 more minutes thank god I swear I'm so hungry" I complain as my stomach grumbles.

"Wait Clauds did you remember your pills?" Flo askes because I often forget them with my shitty memory.

"SHIT NO I FORGOT" I exclaim mentally beating myself up for not remembering.

"Hey it's fine you can just go back to the dorm and get them" Sadie said hoping to lift my spirits.

"But the I will miss out on breaky" I reply slightly pouting (like Florence Pugh lmao).

"It's fine I will get your breakfast" Flo reassures me.

"Ok be right back guys" I say goodbye before sprinting to my dorm in hopes that maybe Flo won't have too order my food and I will get back in time...

Except I may have slowed down a little outside of Bruce's dorm just to see if he is still unpacking. Unfortunately he is not, but I do hear some music playing inside, is that Insane Clown Posse?

"Uh hello can I help you?" I hear a voice say from behind me.

Slowly turning around I am met with a girl who looks maybe 1 or 2 years younger then me.

"Oh uh sorry I was just passing by when I heard Insane Clown Posse" I reply quickly making up a lie so that she doesn't know I was actually slowing down to see if Bruce was here.

" Yeah that's just my brothers dipshit friend Vance, I'm Gwen, Gwen Blake" She introduces herself holding her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Claudia nice to meet you Gwen" I politely shake her hand and introduce myself as well.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you the girl that Bruce met like half an hour ago?" 

"Oh um yeah... that's me" I awkwardly mutter out. Man I really need to learn how to talk to people that aren't Sadie or Flo.

"Cool well I better keep helping my brother and his friends move in" she says probably tying to get out of this awkward conversation.

"Yeah um I gotta go get something from my dorm, bye Gwen" I reply beginning to walk to my dorm. "Bye Claudia" She says while walking into the dorm opposite of Bruce's.

A few steps down the hall

"Oh my god could I be anymore awkward?!?" I say talking to myself while pinching the bridge of my nose, not looking where I was going. Not prepared for the crash that was about to happen I keep judging my social skills and don't notice the boy in front of me carrying a large box that covers his eyes from seeing in front of him.

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