001 - Elk Creek High

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Claudia and Sadie's dorm room:

Claudia and Sadie's dorm room:

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Claudia's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside of my window, their tweets seeming to harmonize. The sunlight shining through the blinds of my dorm room window leaving kisses of warmth along my face as I peacefully slept.

"Claudia Valentine Madden get your ass up!"

and there it was the annoying voice of Sadie Monroe AKA one of the best and worst things that happened to me. Sure she makes me laugh a lot but oh my goodness that girl has been the cause of most of my braincells leaving my head.

"Jeez no need to use the government name" I replied slightly yawning.

"Get up Clauds we gotta go make sure Flo (Flo is their other bestfriend) doesn't sleep the day away" The redhead states while doing her hair in the mirror. Finally getting out of bed I walk to my closet and grabs out my outfit for the day.

Claudia's outfit:

(If you don't like it imagine something else)

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(If you don't like it imagine something else)

Stepping into the bathroom I press shuffle on my Spotify playlist, Slow down by Chase Atlantic playing as I begin to get ready for the day.

After getting ready

Walking across to dorm opposite of Claudia and Sadie's they knock on the door and Imani (Florence's dormmate) answers.

"Hey Claudia! Hi Sadie!" Imani says greeting both of us with her usual peppy voice.

"Moring Imani!" Sadie replies greeting the girl with an enthusiastic voice.

Looking between the two I notice Sadie blushing very slightly and Imani looking at her feet as if she were nervous. OML THEY LIKE EACHOTHER I thought practically screaming in my head.

"Hey Imani, i'm just gonna go inside and wake Flo up ... why don't you stay out here and talk to Sadie!" "Oh... uh ok-" "GREAT! HAVE FUN YOU TWO!" I say cutting Imani off as I sprint inside, pushing Imani out the door and closing it. Man it is fun playing cupid.

"Claudia shut the fuck up i'm trying to sleep!" Florence mumbled trying to fall back to sleep,

"Girl get yo ass out of bed I swear to god" I exclaimed ripping the blanket off of Flo. She reacted like she was dying.

"NoOoOooOOoOOooOoOoOooOoOo I'm cooOOoOOOOOooOold" Flo whined as she curled up into a ball hoping to keep warm.

"Get up Flo" I said in an annoyed voice. "FINE BUT I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT" Flo replied pissed off that she had to get out of her cozy warm bed.

After Flo got ready we stepped outside only to see Sadie smiling like an idiot.

"Yo Sadie what's got you smiling like that?" Flo questioned. "Is it Imani?" I questioned in a teasing voice while smirking. " Oi shut up Clauds" Sadie said while glaring at me.

"Wait why would Imani be making Sadie smile- ohhhhhhhhh" Flo realized after seeing how Sadie was blushing extremally while looking like she was gonna stab me while I'm sleeping.


"SHIT WE GOTTA GO" Flo yelled snapping Sadie out of her thoughts (Probably thinking of ways to kill me).

" C'MON LETS GO" I said beginning to sprint down the halls trying to reach the cafeteria Flo and Sadie quickly following behind me.

While running to the cafeteria I tripped over something causing me to fall straight onto the floor.

"Oh my god are you ok?" I hear as a shadow suddenly covers my body. Looking up I see a tall boy with jet black hair, getting a quick look I could tell this guy does some sort of sport.

"Hello are you ok? can you hear me?" He questions as I suddenly come back from basically checking this guy out.

"Oh uh yeah I'm fine just wasn't looking where I was going" I replied not wanting to worry the handsome stranger.

"Ok that's good your not hurt, I'm Bruce by the way I'm one of the new students" he introduces himself with a bright smile. NEW STUDENTS?!?! SINCE WHEN?!?!

"Hah yeah I'm Claudia" I politely reply being as awkward as possible.

Suddenly Flo and Sadie catch up "My god Clauds are you ok?!?" Sadie frantically questioned while Flo looked like she was about to pass out, I'm not kidding this girl was swaying side to side.

"I really need to exercise more" Flo stated not even bothered by the fact that I'm on the floor. "I'm fine don't worry Sadie" I reassured them. "Ok then get off your ass we are gonna miss out on breaky" Flo added while dragging me of the floor and towards the cafeteria.

Beginning to run again I quickly look back at Bruce as he just stares at us with curiosity.

"BYE BRUCE!" I yell a quick goodbye.

"GOODBYE CLAUDIA!" He yells back

... Man he was cute

Mahala speaks


How we feeling bout this chapter yall like it?

Who do you guys want her to meet next? I was thinking Vance bc I plan for Vance and Bruce to share a dorm and Robin and Finney to share a dorm

Goodbye Loves until next chapter <3333

(886 Words)

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