Yandere Best Friend X Femboy Reader

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It was late at night on a school day. Your school was having a sleepover for graduation. You all gathered in the gymnasium. You lay on your side your long hair tied in a ponytail.

Your POV:

How did my life come to this

You stare at another student across from you. Her name was Cassandra. Despite her being tomboyish. You loved her with all your heart. you two were the exact opposite of what you both should be, that society considers you to be.

You a boy with feminine characteristics. Her a girl with masculine tendancies. Little did you know that tonight was going to be a ride through hell.

As you were about to close your eyes you noticed another student sitting up. It was your best friend BF/N (Best Friend's name). She was a beautiful gorgeous angel. Any guy would be lucky to have her. You too were about to get up when she made her way toward Cassandra's sleeping form.

It was when she kneeled down before reaching for something behind her back. You couldn't see what it was but. Cassandra's body went suddenly stiff. BF/N just stared emotionlessly at the girl below her.

You stood up now a sickening feeling fell upon the pit of your stomach. All your senses were tell you to run. You heard something to your right and gasped. The class's teacher (Most hated teacher) was grasping at their throat. Foaming from the mouth they kicked their legs around. Their eyes bulged from their sockets.

Their struggling woke a couple students. And that was when it happened. Screams awoke the rest and chaos insued. Many people began running towards the exits but another problem occured. The exit doors had a deadbolt and chain on them. Only way out was to grab the keys.

You noticed BF/N starting to head towards you. you waved for them to come over. That uneasy feeling never leaving. It was only when an uproar of screams erupted did you turn around. Your legs turned to jelly. And your world spun. You landed on your ass as you stare awestruck.

BF/N was stabbing other students. Her expression held nothing but just coldness. No room for emotion in her eyes. Just...like a dolls eyes.

You began trying to get to your feet when you noticed a THICC red liquid slowly crawl towards your trembling form.vit slid under you. It was THICC and smelt sickly metallic.

You: is this...blood?

You closed your eyes and crab crawled towards the teachers body. Students began fighting back against BF/N. You finally made it to teaches body. And began rummaging through their things. You found the keys and began running but slipped in the sickly fluid on the ground.

You: God Damnit.

You grabbed the keys and held tightm since they were slippery with blood. You managed to unlock the deadbolt. Students began crowding around your door as you could still hear a few behind you fighting.

You: c'mon c'mon c'mon.

You found the key for the chain and inserted it. You twist it and the padlock fell. Just then you heard no struggling. You spun around and came face to face with BF/N.

You: N-no..w-why did you do this?

They stood their looking at you. As they neared you. Their face twisted into a sick and sadistic smile.

BF/N: isn't it obvious?

You pushed open the door and began sprint but slipped and fell. The blood on the bottom of your shoes made it hard to stand so you began Army crawling at speed of your arms could enable.

You made it to the exit doors carpet when a hand firmly grasped your leg.

You screamed as you got dragged.


BF/N didn't answer as they continued to drag you across the floor and back into the blood stained Gym floor. They suddenly pinned you down and that's when you heard it. The sound of a zipper being undone.

You twist your body and gasped. Standing proud and strong and resonating with lust was BF/N with their 9inch penis. You were about to run for it but they quickly pinned you down.

BF/N: for so long my darling Y/N I've dreamt of this moment. I dreamt of the day I could finally make you mine.

She pulled down your tight skinny jeans. Your thighs are THICC your ass is THICC you had guys gawking at you and girls wanting to be you.


She didn't hesitate. She didn't warn you or anything. She just rmed it in. As you cried out in pain she grasped you by your neck and pulled up so your back was arched. Her hips slapped themselves against yours. Your stomach as a large bulge everytime her cock slid into the slimy folds of your ass. BF/N grunted with each thrust. Your face began turning red from how hard it was to breath. They released you as you fell face first into the blood soaked floor.

BF/N grabbed your arms and pulled you up as your back was pressed against her huge tits. She began thrusting harder than before and your a moaning mess.

BF/N: take it all you fuckin' Whore!!!

Your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your mouth hung open as you felt BF/N Seed enter into you ass. Some of it leaked out into the blood mixing in with it. That's the last thing you could remember before you eventually pass out from exhaustion.

Hello my Army Of Horrors. I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Anywho y'all know what to do. Follow me for a follow back and this is Horror-Kun Ver 2 and that's a rap.

Word Count: 994

Yandere Futanari X Femboy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now