Yandere Jane The Killer X Femboy Reader

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Jane's POV:

I've been stalking him for awhile. Seeing him in that cute little skirt and knee high socks. His hair long and soft. Shining brightly like ocean waves in the sun soaked summer breeze.

The way his body moved at late night clubs. I'd watch from a safe distance and any body who dare lay their perverted hands on them.

Images of gruesome killings shown about your screen of people's eyes gouged out. Their guts spilled out their body. Some even strangled with their organs. And some with a large Glasgow smile carved into their face.

Jane Arkensaw sipped from her wine as she clenched the glass tightly when the date you were having made you laugh. She sneered as you stare into the man's eyes. He was extremely wealthy, came from a rich background with more than less desirable tastes.

Jane looked around the place a nice steakhouse with a bar in the far right. As soft jazz music played from the speakers above. The lights added a sultry look to the place. Couples are in silence some chatted and went about their pointless days.

Jane's Eyes wondered back to you. She sneered when the man decided to place his hand atop yours. A visible blush crept up to your face. Jane knew what was coming next. You have him pay the bill and when he asks to take you to his place for sex you'll mention your a guy.

Sometimes this doesn't bother them, other times in ends terribly for them at least. Jane stood up seeing the guys angered and disgusted face at now knowing your a guy. He tossed you the payed bill and left. You sat there in the steakhouse with a more sombre look on your face.

Jane pitied you but now her attention was put on the man.

Rey Pember a man of wealth. With a knack for cheating on his pregnant wife. Jane had already sent the pictures to his wife. So when his body arrives in the mail. Jane will get her money. After all mood swinging wives were easier to bargain with and drive towards murder.

Jane came up behind Rey before shoving a large serated edged knife into his back. Jane's other hand quickly reached over his shoulder covering his mouth. A kick to the knee. His struggle was now out of sight.

Jane giggled as Rey could only twist and squirm as the knife twisted to and fro in the centre of his back and after pulling the blade out a quick slice across the neck ended it in a gurgling and choking struggle for Rey as he stared into the soulless black eyes of Jane.


Your POV:

You arrived home after slamming the door shut you turn your back to it before leaning against it starring up at the ceiling. You sigh before making your way to the bath and get ready to go to bed. You could've sworn you were being followed. Something in your mind kept telling you to run...to get away.

After filling the tub with soapy water and having some 3 Days Grace playing in the background. You lit yourself a cig before sinking halfway into the tub. You stare silently at the wall. The hand holding your cigar in your right palm hanging over the edge of the bathtub.

You close your eyes and whisper.

You: "Why are people so judgmental on others hobbies or tendancies. We all should just accept eachother".


You lay in your king-sized bed. All the lights turned off and nothing but the sound of your neighbour fucking their late night whore, they picked up on the street. You began to play with yourself as you stroked the tip of your cock. You arched your back as it was so sensitive. The pure euphoria sent a jolt throughout your body.

You felt like someone was watching you though.

You: *whatever if some perverted son of a bitch wants to watch let them*

Yandere Futanari X Femboy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now