Toya aoyagi x they/them reader!

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Emu thought it would be a great week to go to the arcade with them! Of course you joined too since Emu might turn upset for that ╥﹏╥, Emu called the GC and all of them responded she went thru out on saying "HEYY GUYS! WE SHOULD GO TO THE ARCADES IT'S A GREAT WEEKEND!!! (❁'◡'❁)" well of course you l agreed on.. You changed your clothes to a plain Lacoste sweater and top it off with a white polo sleeve underneath and normal pants, you heard someone screaming on your door..

"Y/N!! OPEN THE GATE!!! " oh of course.. It's the one and only Emu otori, you saw Toya, Nene and Akito waiting "Yeah yeah! Hold on Emu! " you quickly fixed your hair and went downstairs and open the gate, "WONDERHOY!! " she hugged you and Toya was almost smiling "Alright.. Let's go now" as you all go to the arcades.

You guys are here now, it's very big:0! You saw claw machines and games there, you went up to it to try the claw machine with a big plushie that was cute you tried and tried but you keep failing.. Until Toya saw you suffering by getting that and said "Need any help? " he smiled at you "Yes." you gasped when he got the plushie!! Σ(゚Д゚;) "Thank you.. Toya..! " you meaned it, "No problem. " he pats your hair while you realized where are the others.

As Toya continuing to walk away you stopped him, "Hey! Toya uh.. " he looked at you generally confused "I.. I like you alright, I don't know how to say it since you we're my best friend and I might break our friendship and still.. I like you romantically. " he was shock and chuckled, you were scared and he continues to say "Hey.. Don't think that way, I like the same way as you. Please don't ever think that I will leave you. " you hugged him tightly while you heard a squeal and it was Emu "THAT'S WONDERHOY!! "

ok yea I hate writing

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