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CHAPTER TWO ![ real life ]❝ he said that about me? awhh ❞

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[ real life ]
❝ he said that about me? awhh ❞

CHAPTER TWO ![ real life ]❝ he said that about me? awhh ❞

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rosalie stepped outside of the limo beside her step-dad and mum as flashing cameras took over her eyesight "rosalie! cameron! look over here!" different people called out to the two diaz's as they walked through the red carpet and posed together, rosalie seperated herself from her mum and step dad and began to pose for different photos "rosalie you look gorgeous! how do you feel about coco and javon?" emma began to interview her as she smiled.

"i wish javon nothing but the best, coco is such a sweet girl and the internet just loves ruining healthy relationships for the fun of it" rosalie smiled brightly "fans have seen your private accounts recent post mason, who stars as the main character in this movie. do you see yourself with him?" she asked as rosalie let out a soft laugh "i should probably be more careful of who i accept to my account but i mean he is an attractive boy" she smiled while moving her hair behind her shoulders.

"i asked mason about you earlier and said you were really pretty" emma smiled down at the girl as a blush crept onto rosalie's face "he said that about me?  awhh- well i should probably get moving before the movie starts, i want a chance to talk to the cast before so by the way you look amazing in that dress!" the young girl cooed before walking down the red carpet.

"rosalie, right?" a girl's voice was heard from behind rosalie causing her to jump slightly "hi yeah- madeleine right? you're acting in the black phone was beyond amazing!" rosalie rushed towards the girl with open arms "thank you! i was wondering if you wanted to sit by me during the movie? the boys decided to all rush in and didn't save me a seat" madeleine smiled as they began to pose together "yeah i would love to! you'll have to put up with me sobbing over finney and robin's phone scene" rosalie whispered as they walked into the premiere "it's fine, we all cried watching it even mason" madeleine laughed.

just as the two girls sat down rosalie's phone pinged causing them both to look down, a smirk planting across madeleine's face "mason's actually trying to pull you hm?" madeleine teased her new friend after the notification turned out to be mason following her on instagram "what can i say? i'm amazing" rosalie grinned.

"mason thinks so too" a voice spoke up from behind them "now he's definitely got to be talking about you for miguel to come over here" madeleine smiled once she realised miguel was sat behind them with the rest of the cast "oh hi!" rosalie paused, she knew that the cast would obviously be here but she didn't really expect for them to be behind them.

"so rosalie.. you bark for mason?" brady questioned with a grin very prominent on his face "must of auto-corrected from madeleine honestly" rosalie playfully glared at the boy before glancing at the cast noticing mason was nowhere to be seen "talking about mason.. where is he?" madeleine questioned "outside, getting interviewed by emma. she said she had some interesting information" tristan answered.

"well, the movies about to-" rosalie got cut off when she noticed the group staring behind her with a bright smirk.

"what? please tell me ethan isn't behind me in that stupid mask again because i will be having words with maya" rosalie crossed her arms before turning around and noticing mason stood next to her "so why didn't any of you save me a seat?" he questioned before casually sitting next to rosalie.

"are you not sat?" miguel's eyebrows raised as rosalie turned to madeleine with wide eyes just as the movie started and the lights turned off.

during the entire movie rosalie tried to stay calm and eventually it worked that was until the phone call happened between robin and finney "this movie sucks" rosalie sobbed quietly "yet you were dying to see me" mason whispered to her with a smirk "don't flatter yourself and don't smirk at me when there's snot dripping from my nose" rosalie whipped her head right back to the screen as finney began to fight off the grabber.

the crowd around them began to cheer as the movie ended and rosalie quickly stood up "hey, i should get going before my mum and dad get worried but i can give you my number?" rosalie smiled turning to face madeleine "yeah, sure i can add you to a groupchat with me and the rest of the cast" the brunette smiled passing the girl her phone.

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