017. HATER

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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ![ real life ]❝ maybe give her a day to cool off she mayneed it- or you know two ❞

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[ real life ]
❝ maybe give her a day to cool off she may
need it- or you know two ❞

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN ![ real life ]❝ maybe give her a day to cool off she mayneed it- or you know two ❞

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"you know what you did really hurt her, right?" maddy questioned mason while they watched rosalie practise. "i know i feel terrible about it but i do really like her maddy" mason sighed watching rosalie skate around the rink.

"ignoring her doesn't really give her the best impression that you like her, you know how bad rosie's anxiety is when it comes to people. she overthinks badly too may i just add" maddy began scolding him "maddy i know! i messed up badly, i just want her to forgive me but what if she falls for someone else i don't know what i'll do then" mason snapped.

"you know.. she still talks so highly of you for some reason. i know i wouldn't if someone pulled what you did, she must really like you" maddy smiles sympathetically to mason "thanks maddy" mason smiled back towards the younger girl.

"maybe give her a day to cool off she may need it" maddy shrugged her shoulders, until a cloud of ice went flying towards them. they moved just in time and mason looked over to rosalie with wide eyes who sent him a sarcastic smile before going back to working on her aim "or you know two!" maddy squealed as mason glanced at her shaking his head "she's never going to forgive me, is she?" he questioned as maddy sighed.

"like i said, just give her some time she'll come around. just know if you hurt her i will hurt you too mason, she's my bestfriend and i don't think i can put up with her blasting her and nessa's album much longer" maddy's faced scrunched up at the memory of her walking into rosalie's house and hearing 'i wanna die' blasting throughout the house as the girls family sat with a worried expression on their faces.

"i just want to see her happy" mason sighed "what are we talking about?" rosalie questioned joining the two on the bench as her training ended "NOTHING! so do you guys wanna go out and eat?" maddy quickly spat out as rosalie's brow raised. "uh.. sure?" rosalie replied, her voice laced in confusion as she began taking her skates off

as the three of them arrived at the restaurant of mason's choice, of course rosalie had a lot to say about it resulting in the two arguing back and forth for a solid five minutes until rosalie gave up.

"smile!" mason shouted towards rosalie as she posed for him just as flashing lights were heard "hey what's up mason!" paparazzi made their way over to the three of them "hey!" mason smiled as rosalie moved closer to maddy "congratulations on your lead in the black phone".

"thank you" mason and maddy smiled towards the camera "how does it feel guys?" they questioned as rosalie sat there awkwardly "it-it makes me speechless seeing how everybody reacts to it and i'd love for there to be a number two because it was just so amazing working with everybody" mason glanced to maddy who nodded in agreement.

"rosalie! i don't know if i asked you yet but how excited are you about releasing new music?" they questioned as rosalie smiled brightly while mason stared at her "i'm so excited it's amazing i've worked so hard on it and i've never been more proud of myself".

"are ya'll having a good evening?" they questioned as the three teens stood up and walked outside so everybody in the restaurant could have more privacy "yeah! thanks for asking" maddy smiled as rosalie began to get anxious "so what's going on between you and rosalie?".

"we're just friends but she's a really lovely girl" mason smiled wrapping an arm around her shoulder in attempts to calm her nerves resulting in her standing infront of him with a smile "i loved your music videos with nessa what was you guys inspiration for it?" they questioned "well obviously it's called pretty poison so we thought it would be kind of fun to like actually involve some kind of poison and just make it look pretty" rosalie laughed.

"alright one last question, who would you like to work with as an artist like what artist would you like to work with?".

"uhh.. i mean you know i'm down for literally anything but uh right now i'm just really focusing on like doing solo shit but i just finished a song with jaden hossler, i don't know when that's going to drop just yet but it should be pretty soon" rosalie smiled as mason leaned down and kissed her forehead "alright you guys have a good evening, bye!" maddy smiled as the three of them walked away.

"this is exactly why i didn't want mason picking the restaurant" rosalie groaned.

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