History Lives

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The next morning, I hurt like hell. The pain was even worse than the night before, waking up in the bathroom at the – wait, a bathroom?

                I sat up carefully, head pounding, and made my way to my bathroom. It was still dark, so I flipped on a light. I cringed when I saw my face, and the bruises that had manifested overnight. I shook my head, trying to stop the ringing in my ears. Realizing nothing could be done about it today; I quickly dressed and ate some toast, washing down some painkillers while I drank my tea.

                Heading to the university was the last thing I wanted to do today, but I had to go. Today was my first English Literature class, and considering that that was my major, I should probably attend at least the first class and get the reading list. So I finished my breakfast and put on the most extensive amount of make-up I've ever attempted to hide all of the bruises.

                Pushing all thoughts of the Museum and the night before out of my head, I packed up my shoulder bag and headed out, ready for anything the day had to bring.


                "...And that is how Shakespeare was inspired to write Macbeth."

                The boring teacher had just finished her boring lesson, the one that not even I could concentrate on. I had been idly playing with my pen for the last half-hour, unable to stop my mind wondering back to the night before. The Museum intrigued me, to say the least – and I had to find out how it worked. You see, that's the thing about being me, I need to know. So as the professor finished her lesson, I decided that that night, I would go back to the Museum of Natural History.

                Packing up the new textbook, I headed out of the school, eager to get home. As I headed off campus, James ran up to me.

                "Hey, Firea...I was wondering about something. Do you think that we could see each other sometime, perhaps for a movie?" He ducked his head, a slightly blush rising in his cheeks.

                I smiled at him, and got him to look at me. "I think that would be lovely, James. But I have to go right now...so I'll see you next class, okay?" I waved to him as I hurried away, almost running to my apartment.


                I had no idea when the Museum closed, but I decided to shower and head straight over. Figuring that Larry would be there someone, and noticing that there was only about an hour before closing, I began wandering around the Museum looking for Larry. I paused in the Hall of Miniatures, sitting on the bench to watch the frozen figurines fight their stunned battle.

                "I had a feeling you'd come back." Larry walked up, sitting down beside me. "So, you interested in history, then?"

                I sat back against the bench with him. "Yeah, you could say that. I'm thinking of doing a minor in History for my Arts degree. So I signed up for an Ancient Civilizations course, hoping that it would help me decide. I haven't figured it out yet, but I love the content."

                "Good, good. Well, I have a feeling you want to stick around after closing, right?" Larry stood, rubbing his hands together.

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