A Night In The Life of This College Student

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 I got home as the sun rose, and went straight to bed. Thank God I don't have a class today, I thought. I had Ancient Civilizations the next day, so I considered not going to the Museum. But I knew that I would end up there at sundown against my better judgement no matter what.

            I awoke to darkness, confused. Slowly, I got up and realized I was still in the same outfit as the night before. I changed into different clothes, and looked out the window to see that I had slept the day away – evening had arrived.

            Rushing to the kitchen, I quickly made a sandwich and some soup. As I ate, I pulled out my textbook and did some reading on Ancient Rome. After the lesson I got from Octavius the night before, I felt like I had a deeper understanding of what life was really like. After devouring my dinner, I grabbed an Arizona ice tea and gathered my shoulder bag's contents. I didn't bring any work, but I had glanced ahead and saw that the next unit was Egypt.

            I have a life-long dream that you should know about: travelling the wonders of the Ancient world. The Pyramids have always enthralled me beyond belief, and I have seen many documentaries on them.

            My trip to the Museum was shorter than the last, my legs working faster than my brain. Before I knew it, I was at the entrance and began to slowly zigzag my way down to the security office without being seen. Once there, I settled myself on the couch and began to play games on my phone.

            This was the worst part of the day – waiting for the sun to set. Growing bored, I left my shoulder bag and headed back up to search for an Egyptian exhibit.

            As it turned out, the exhibit was not hard to find. It was huge, with a huge sarcophagus in the middle of it. A plaque beside it read:

Ahkmenrah, Fourth King of the Forth King


The Tablet of Ahkmenrah

            I glanced up, looking for the "Tablet" and spotting it on the wall behind the sarcophagus. It looked like it was made of pure gold, and it had a strange feeling to it. Suddenly, I found myself in front of it, about to touch it.

            "Hey! You can't do that, Miss." I heard Larry's voice call behind me. Turning, I shook myself out of the daze.

            "Sorry Larry...I don't know what came over me there," I muttered to him, walking back towards him and noticing that the Museum was silent now. "Is everyone gone?"

            "Just about. Do you mind heading somewhere else for a bit? I have to help the Pharaoh get ready." He motioned for me to leave, a sorry look on his face.

            "That's fine, Larry. I don't mind. I'll be with Jed and Octavius if you need me," I waved, walking down to the Hall of Miniatures.

            I wonder, I thought. If this Pharaoh has a golden cape.

            "...and then they ran away! They saw the Indians behind us and ran away!"

            Jed had been telling us all a story from his past, and the way he told it had made us all laugh. Teddy had joined us, along with Sacagawea. Upon meeting her, I found that she was very nice, and tried to understand everything I said, even if it made no sense to her.

            "Firea?" Larry was calling me from the entrance. I stood up and walked over to him, apologizing to Jed on my way by.

            "What is it, Larry?" I smiled, my face hurting from the previous laughter. He smiled back nervously, rubbing his hands together again.

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