What Goes Around...

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My next class went surprisingly well, considering my apparent lack of sleep. Ancient Civilizations was an exciting class that seemed to wake me up and even more so now that we were doing some Egyptian material.

                Oh yes, that was the other thing on my mind: Ahkmenrah. Such a perfect gentleman, but so mysteriously shy. I couldn't stop thinking about our almost-kiss, and what it would have meant if I hadn't stepped back – would he have kissed me? Would he regret it, just like everyone else? My heart seemed to be everywhere at once when I thought about Ahkmenrah, and not just from what I felt but from what could be felt. I could very easily fall in love with that man, and he could break my heart, saying that I couldn't be with him – he is a Pharaoh, after all.

                Getting home, I glanced out the window to see the sun peeking over the tops of the buildings. As my chest fluttered with excitement and fear, I quickly ate a sandwich and grabbed my bag. I had Egyptian homework, and that made me pause before opening the door. Taking out my homework, I set it down on the kitchen counter. I didn't feel quite ready for an entire night with Ahkmenrah. I wanted to spend this night with everyone, especially Jed and Octavius. So out the door I went, locking up behind me.


                The Museum was locked and silent when I arrived, so I knew that it was already past closing. Glancing about to make sure I wasn't seen, I knocked on one of the doors. The face I was expecting was Larry, but instead, Teddy opened the door for me, giving me one of his huge smiles.

                "Firea – I see that we haven't deterred you yet." I smiled back.

                "Not yet, you haven't. And I don't see it happening any time soon," I responded, continuing on to sit at the information booth in the foyer. From there, I watched as the rest of the Museum came to life and entered the giant room. The Huns and the Civil War soldiers were setting up some kind of soccer match, which I made a mental note of to watch when the time came. Larry got there a bit late, but was pleasantly surprised to see me sitting amidst the slight chaos of exhibits.

                "Firea, it's nice to see you. I'd like to introduce you to my son, Nick." Nick was about 10 years old, and seemed to have been here before. He sat with me after shaking my hand, pointing out his friends and warning me how to treat and react to the others.

                "So, my dad was telling me that you met Ahkmenrah. How was that?" Nick looked at me curiously.

                "It was nice. He's pleasant to talk to, and quite attractive," I said back, trying unsuccessfully to seem unfazed by that fact.

                "So you like him!"

                "I do not!"

                "Yes, you do – and I think he likes you, too," Nick said, matter-of-factly. I realized my loss and gave up, shaking my head. Instead, I thought that gossip might make things more interesting. I leaned over to whisper in Nick's ear.

                "He almost kissed me."

                "He WHAT?" Nick's reaction was instantaneous and loud, catching the attention of quite a few of the exhibits around us.

                "Hush!" I said. "You can't tell anyone, okay? Not even Larry." He looked defeated, but nodded anyways.

                "Hey, are you any good at soccer?"

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