Hope for the Future

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"The interviews went great!" I exclaimed, not surprising anyone. Ahkmenrah and I wore matching uniforms to Larry; we were finally night guards. It was actually good pay, as well.

"Splendid, milady! We all knew you could do it!" Teddy gave me a hug, congratulating Ahk with a firm handshake.

"Yeah, yeah, your first night is tomorrow, guys. Go home and get some rest," Larry shooed us away, following us to the locker room.

"Something you want to talk about, Larry?" I asked, grabbing my bag and swinging it over my shoulder.

"Yeah. It's about you two being safe." He looked at us skeptically. "You will be safe, won't you? I don't want to have to give you guys "The Talk"."

"Of course we'll be safe, Larry. I'm prepared for anything, okay?" I responded, confusing Ahk.

"Why are we being safe? Are we in danger?"

"Only of tiny humanoids in minimal clothing," Larry smiled at me. "Avoid them at all costs, Firea."

"We will. Goodnight, Larry."


It didn't take as long as I thought it would to get from the front door to the bed, all things considered. Shoes, socks, and jackets were already gone, leaving only our regular clothes on.

Ahk had me pinned, and was slowly kissing my neck. Hell, he must have done something with someone in Ancient Egypt because holy hell, he was good. My lady parts were tingling, and I rubbed my thighs together in a sorry attempt to increase friction. He must have known that sign, as he used his knee to part my legs and nestle against me. I wrapped my legs around him, gyrating my hips upwards.

Ahk let out a groan, making my stomach jump and twist. My hips lurched upwards then, as he bit into my neck.

"Do you mind if I remove our clothing, love...?" I nodded quickly unable to speak through my flushed cheeks.

We moved to the bedroom and everything hit the floor. Ahkmenrah stood before me, bare, as I laid before him in the same manor. He was utter perfection; chiseled and masculine. And I, in contrast, was mostly pathetic and hardly pretty.

"You are divine beauty, Firea," Ahk whispered, crawling above me to settle once again between my legs. "Do not shy away from me."

"I don't normally think of myself as beautiful, Ahk. I haven't really had anyone tell me that and sound so sincere." I felt him against my entrance then, prodding me. My head laid back, eyes closed, at the intense pleasure that jolted through me at him movements. Suddenly, my eyes flew open.


He froze. "What is it? Am I doing it wrong? I am a virgin, but I didn't think I would screw it up."

"No, no, it isn't that. I don't mind that at all, really. I just need to grab something. We need to be safe, remember?" I stood up with some difficulty, as the man in my bed was turning my legs into jelly, and walked over to my dresser. I shuffled around for a bit before pulling out the newly purchased box of condoms.

"Here they are; we have to use these so that I don't get pregnant. It isn't a question either; it's this, or nothing."

He smiled at me. "If you wish so, then I agree. I do not want you to be unhappy."

"Good." I pulled out one and tossed the box on the floor. "I'll put it on you, to show you."

Ahk let me take hold of his member, moaning softly when I dragged my hands up and down it. I placed the condom on it, rolling it down quickly. He seemed confused, but didn't question it. Moving me below him again, he quickly pressed himself into me, enjoying every minute; and so did I. I felt every inch of him enter me and brush on every sensitive spot that I had. Ahk fit into me perfectly; sure, the stretch hurt, but it wasn't unbearable, and I was able to adjust relatively quickly.

The pleasure didn't stop when he did; it only intensified when he locked eyes with me and began to move. As each thrust brought me closer to release, I watch the Nile thunder in his eyes. The knot inside of me grew and grew, but I could tell that he was to close. His thrusts became erratic, as the knot loosened slowly inside of me. It only took a few more thrusts for his release to come, and he collapsed on me afterwards.

Long moments passed where we didn't say anything. I reveled in his body, covered in sweat, laying on top of mine.

"I will treasure you far more than all the wealth of Egypt, my Princess." His voice came out of the darkness, warming me.

"Yes, but I will treasure you more, Pharaoh." He laughed softly, rolling off of me and pulling out. I felt a slight loss, but knew that he'd want to be back there soon enough.

"You know you have to take off the condom, right?" 

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