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I had been overtaken by the strangest feeling since my heated encounter with Ahkmenrah – a tedious peace of mind. Everything about him seemed welcoming, warm, and wonderful. But there was a problem, and to me it was big. Ahk was Egyptian...and a Pharaoh. Dating him, with the proper customs, was going to be a challenge – especially since I didn't know them.

                I had already checked the public library, and was on my way to the university when I ran into James, almost spilling his coffee in the process.

                "Oh, I'm so sorry," I apologized profusely, having déjà vu from our first encounter. He gave me an amused smile, steadying me with his hand on my shoulder.

                "It's alright, I wasn't looking either. Hey," he said, as if remembering something. "Do you mind joining me and my sister for dinner tomorrow night? She wants to ask me a whole bunch of questions, but if I bring someone with me, she'll let me get off easy. What do you say?"

                His easy smile made me want to say yes right away, but I held back. Every evening, I promised to be at the Museum...and whatever was happening with Ahk would be at risk – this seemed a lot like a date to me.

                "I'm not so sure that I haven't booked anything that night...I'll get back to you tomorrow, if that's alright. And if you've made other arrangements, that fine too," I said, quickly writing down my number for him, and getting his. James smiled hugely, and planted a kiss on my cheek, making me blush a little.

                "Well, let me know. I don't really have anyone else to go with, and you would be a lifesaver," he pressed, before we said our goodbyes.

                Arriving at the university library, I went straight to the Egyptian section and began pulling books off the shelf. I thought that four ought to be enough, so I went to find a table.

                The first book said nothing about courting; the second was all about hieroglyphics; the third book had a small section about how important it was for royalty; but the fourth was the one I needed.


"It was common for Egyptians to be monogamous in their marriage and the literature of the day taught men to treat their women quite well. A divorce was easy to attain, but quite costly. The punishment for a female adulterer was death by stoning or burning."

            I skimmed the page, looking for a section on the royalty.

                "But for the nobility of Egypt, a different set of standards applied. Many wives were common, but the first wife was taken as the "Great Royal Wife". Often times this meant that the heir (or first born son) would marry the oldest daughter – the Great Royal Wife's own sister or step-sister."

          "Gross," I whispered, shaking my head. But it was interesting to get a better look into what Ahk's life may have been like...wait. Wait a second here. Did he have a wife? He was Pharaoh, after all.


                That night, I arrived at the Museum early, planning to talk to Ahk in private about the dating thing. I also wanted to ask about going to dinner with James, but I doubted that Ahk would say yes.

                The Egypt exhibit was empty when I arrived, so I took a seat on the edge of the sarcophagus and looked around. I knew some hieroglyphs, but I was still unable to understand the story hidden in the beautifully inscribed symbols.

                "Do you like them?"

                His voice was soft, inviting my gaze to turn towards him and sweep his figure. He had once again forgone the crown and cape; but his Wesekh1 had also been removed, leaving him shirtless. My mind went a bit fuzzy as I stared at him, but I was able to clear my thoughts enough to answer him.

                "They are quite beautiful," I stood, gently tracing the carvings. "I have learned some Hieroglyphs, but this is too much for me. There are so many, and with such detail..." I trailed off, looking up to find myself directly in front of the Egyptian King. He smiled kindly down at me, his hands coming to rest on my arms.

                "They tell stories about me and my family," Ahkmenrah said, looking into the past as his eyes glazed. "One of them is about my death, of course, but I'd rather not tell you that one right now. Another," his sad expression became joyous, "is about my father making the Tablet for me. Would you like to hear it?"

                I gave a smile. "Of course I would – but perhaps another time. I need to talk to you about something, Ahkmenrah."

                "Ask away." He sat on his tomb, motioning me to the seat beside him. As I sat, I cleared my throat, suddenly becoming nervous.

                "Well, it's about yesterday night. I wanted to know what you meant by 'courting'," I started, pausing when he seemed unsure.

                "It means that I have a claim on you; that...that I wish to wed you. At least, that's what it used to mean," he said hastily, holding up his hands in mock surrender. I took in a deep breath, and then letting it out again.

                "Ahk, I understand where you're going with all of this, but there is a point that you seem to have overlooked."

                "And what is that, Firea?"


                Silence crept into the room, making the tomb deathly. Ahkmenrah stood, facing away from me. When he turned back, he advanced on me.

                "Do you not think I know that? I realize that we can never truly be together in any way, but I do believe that I'm in love with you. And I would do anything, Firea, to exist in this time. To be with you," Ahkmenrah finished, kneeling in front of me with his hands resting on my knees. I teared up, feeling the love in his voice.

                "I know that you do, Ahk. And what I feel for you – it is close to love. I've only known you for a few days, and I can't be sure yet. But I am willing to find out," I said, covering my hands with his.

                For a moment, I contemplated how to ask him about James. But as I stared into his eyes, I knew that I couldn't even tell him.

                "I'm going to be late tomorrow night," I said abruptly, startling both of us out of our reverie. "I have an assignment due after the reading break, and I need to get it done as soon as I can, so that I can enjoy my freedom. Is that alright?" Lying came easy this time; it scared me.

                "Of course, Princess; you need to keep up your life and let me tell you: there is not much of one here," he joked.

                "Thanks for understanding, Ahk. I really wanted to come early every night, but I do need to buy groceries and keep up an appearance," You stood, pulling him up with you. "Let's go join the rest of the Museum. Larry gets more suspicious every time I come up here without saying hello to anyone else," you both chuckled, leaving the exhibit.


                I left the Museum that night feeling both happy and guilty for what I was about to do to Ahkmenrah. I pulled out my phone and sent out a text, knowing there would be a very relieved Scotsman on the other end when he received it.

                Firea: I'll be there.

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