The Tablet's Abilities

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"There isn't anything," I yelled in frustration, throwing down the stack of papers in my hand. I had raided the archives underneath the Museum, looking for anything related to the Tablet making people glow.

"We just have to keep looking," Larry said, trying to calm me down. It wasn't working, but I appreciated the attempt.

"We've looked everywhere. And besides, it's getting late," I glanced at my watch, stretching for effect. Larry shook his head, but stood too, motioning to the lady who worked in the archive that we were done with the material. She began to file it all back, and waved off our attempts to help her.

"Go be night guards. I'll finish this up and head home."

The Museum was silent. Larry and I began shooing the last few stragglers out and getting ready for everyone to wake up. I tried to calm myself down, but it was getting to be too much; the Tablet was affecting even my emotional state.

After I had passed out, Ahkmenrah had gotten Larry and together they helped me out of the exhibit. When I awoke, they told me what had happened. Ahk was scared, no doubt; it was his Tablet that had hurt me. But Larry and I were determined to figure it out. All day, we sat down in the archives, searching for a meaning to the events that had conspired yesterday night. All we found was that it had "mysterious, unknown powers". I had no idea what that weird artifact was doing to my body.

"That's it; the last person has been evacuated. It's almost time; I've got to go get Jed and Octavius. Why don't you head up to Egypt? I'm sure Ahk will be worried about you." Larry set off in the direction of the two miniature heroes.

"Maybe I will," I said to the empty space he left behind. I felt a little worried myself, especially because of Ahk. I just hoped he wouldn't shove me away.

"Is there a reason you're standing there, Firea?" Teddy rode up behind me, leaning down slightly to talk. I sighed.

"Not really, Teddy. I'm just feeling a little scared is all," I answered, turning to face him. He smiled grimly.

"I heard about what happened; we all did. I have no idea what to think. The Tablet has never done this before now, and I've no idea why." He shook his head. "I hope it's for the best. I can't imagine something that brings so much life could cause any amount of harm."

"Me neither, but you never know. I just know that Ahk is going to blame himself," I said, closing my eyes and opening them to see Teddy's reassuring smile.

"Ah, don't worry. He'll understand that it isn't his fault eventually. Besides, I know that he has strong feelings for you; and you for him. Just be careful: if you find you love him right away, it could be some kind of trick. He hasn't seen a woman as beautiful as you in a long time."

"Are you saying she's more beautiful than I?" Sacagawea walked towards us, raising an eyebrow. Teddy winked at me.

"Nay, my love, you are truly the most beautiful woman here in my eyes. I was talking about someone else's eyes."

"Oh, the young King's, I presume?" She swung up behind Teddy, wrapping her arms around him lovingly.

I blushed. "Yeah, Ahkmenrah's eyes. I think I'm falling in love with him, but this thing with the Tablet serious. I don't know what it'll mean for any of us."

"We'll figure it out when we get there, all right? For now, just enjoy being with him." Sacagawea smiled, and I could see her wisdom though she seemed so young.

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