All we need is love

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Peter woke up feeling the cold water hitting his face, as he got up and calmly sat down feeling very dizzy, he roughly wiped the warm sand out of his face and stood up.
It was hard trying to find out what was going on with him, there were so many thoughts going through his head in that moment, and the kiss was absolutely one of them.
He shook his head trying to take all the thoughts he wasn't supposed to have away.
Peter looked around and looked confused, he was confused. He was definitely lost, although he was the one who knew that whole island better he couldn't recognize the purple flowers showing up on the high trees, or the type of sand, it wasn't soft like the ones he was used to know.
He walked into the dark woods and walked looking around and searching for the right place to go, he felt so dizzy at that moment Nd didn't even know why.
He could surely tell something was missing and it could be love, he needed someone to hold him, someone he could feel safe with and love him the way he was, and we already knew who that person was.
As Peter fell again, this time, in the middle of nowhere, in front of a beautiful high tree he heard someone running to him "Peter!" He heard a soft and beautiful voice.
Trying to stay up with his eyes open, he looked up seeing a very beautiful face. It was Wendy.
"No, no" he sat up but he felt so dizzy he fell down again, not feeling the hard ground this time but her legs. "Get- Get out of my head..." He said light-headed.
Wendy chuckled softly and cupped his cheek "I'm not in your head you silly"
"How did you get out...?" He said almost passing out.
"Does that really matter right now?" She grinned and kissed his forehead "how am I going to take you out now?" she mumbled quietly.
Peter forced himself to stand up and not feeling that dizzy anymore he walked slowly, but walked, guided by her he went back.
"You better lay down, you look awful" she carefully laid him down on her bed and gently pressed damp cloth on him sweaty forehead "don't you dare die in my arms" she smiled.
For the first time Peter felt safe to fall asleep so he slept on such a comfortable bed, he was such a gentleman to give Wendy a bed like that.
He woke up and looked around and as always he found Wendy sewing. She looked happy at first but not at all, Peter could see the pain deep inside her eyes. And maybe he realized it was time to let her go. But as he thought that he remembered the reason Wendy was there, he was trying to learn what was it to love someone, and he was learning that for sure.
"Oh, hello sleepy beauty" Wendy smirked at him.
"I met her once" he half smiled "what a terrified lady" he chuckled softly.
"I don't understand why" Wendy answered looking up at him as he sat up.
"I'm sorry, Wendy... Alright, I'll assume, I was an asshole, and I hurt you for sure. I don't usually say that, trust me, but I feel something for you I just can't decide if it's love or if i'm sorry for you" he scowled.
She stood up and left the tissue and the needle beside her and walked up to him sitting down beside the confused boy and staring him into his eyes "why would you feel sorry for me" she whispered.
"Why do I have to answer it?"
"Then what if the feeling is love? Do you even know what this word means?"
"Why don't you teach me?" He smirked.
"Why don't you go sleep?" She smiled.
"I just woke up" he chuckled "now answer me"
"I am trying Peter, I really am" she sighed looking into his green eyes.
"Then try harder, maybe if you did, you would realize I really want to kiss you right now." He said.
It was not a normal thing for Wendy to hear Peter saying something like that, he was apparently not the assumed type of guy and she kinda liked that but it was hard to read him and that was something she didn't like at all.
In the moment she heard him saying that, she froze and felt her heart beating. She looked up at him not feeling very safe but confused not knowing what to do at all.
She leaned in and kissed his cheek "you should wait Peter Pan." She smiled.

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