Chapter Twenty - Seven

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Finally have an update for you guys 💕
Vote and commit babes. ❣️

Derek stood awkwardly Infront of his entire pack. All eyes were on him. What was he supposed to say? 'Hey guess what? I kissed Stiles and he freaked out?'

"Well." Jackson snapped as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Derek rose an eyebrow at his beta's attitude.

Lydia sighed loudly from beside Jackson as she rolled her eyes. Clearly annoyed. "What the hell did you do?" She asks again, slowly this time like she was talking to a child that couldn't comprehend the first time. Well... she wasn't far off at this point in time.

But, once again, Derek didn't speak.

"We heard you." Erica tells her alpha.

Said alpha tilted his head towards her direction confused.

"Well, not you." She continues clearly seeing the confusion on the mans face. "Stiles. We heard Stiles shouting at you."

"It's soundproof." Derek points out as if she didn't already know that.

Erica and Boyd used to sneak off into the library all the time. Thinking no one noticed. Derek let them. He couldn't bring himself to be the one to wipe the big smiles off their faces.

Stiles though on the other hand... Stiles embarrassed the hell out of Boyd. Making sure he cleaned off every surface in the library every time he caught them in there. Erica only laughed loud and gleefully and kissed her boyfriends cheek.

A pain of guilt and hurt threaten to spill out but he pushes it back down. No matter how long they have lost a pack member, it still hurts as if it just happened yesterday.

"No shit." The blonde snarks.

"It's true though." Braeden spoke up.

Derek eternally winces. He didn't want to hurt Braeden or Stiles. "Can you- can you wait in the car? I'll take you back."

Braeden smiles a small smile at the pack in front of her then heads out of the house.

Once Derek knows she's out of hearing range he speaks up. "I kissed Stiles."

Everyone faked being shocked.

"Yes, we know." Isaac tells the man. "We heard Stiles yell at you for it, remember?"

"But why?" Jackson questions.

"He didn't want me to kiss him, I thought that part was obvious." Derek answers.

Jackson held back the urge to roll his eyes "no, I mean why could we hear him? The library is supposed to be sound proof."

Oh. That's what his beta meant. "I don't know. The lights were flickering as well but Stiles didn't seem to notice any of that." He turns to his uncle "you're being awfully quiet."

Peter hums as he nods his head in agreement "I believe Stiles isn't as human as we thought."

"What?" Everyone said in unison.

"It's not a leap." Peter shrugs. "Deaton believed Stiles to be a powerful spark."

"But he doesn't have the spark anymore though, right?" Erica asked. "Because of the nogitsune."

"I don't know for certain." The older wolf answers the blonde. "But, if you ask me, it can't be that simple. Anger clearly sparked the little show with the lights and the soundproofing."

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