Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Without your mate, things could become fatal." Deaton sternly tells the alpha.

"I will only end up hurting him. I- I can't."

"In other words, if you do not let Stiles in, you will go feral. Life without your mate once you've met and started a bond is very slim." Deaton explains. "You of all people know what will happen if you go feral." He adds.


Derek huffs because of course this is his life now. Nothing is ever simple.

"Derek will definitely let this play out. Trust me." Lydia tells the vet as she tosses her strawberry blonde hair over her right shoulder. Leaving absolutely no room for argument as per usual.

Whatever. Derek has gotten used to it by now. He doesn't have the energy to fight, complain, or bitch about it right now. He'll save his energy for searching the whole god damn town for Stiles Stilinski. Who can never stay out of trouble. He really is going to be the death of him. "Is that all?" Not waiting for an answer before he jerked the door open and walked out.

The alpha immediately started barking out orders as soon as he entered the living room once again. "Lydia text Isaac and tell him what's going on, to get back here as soon as he can. Erica and Jackson you two will go in the preserve and see if you can scent Stiles there. Liam and Theo you guys will look around town, look everywhere. Even places that seem normal, check anyway. Lydia will go with you two. Peter and Chris you both—"

"We will look into Chris' contacts to see if they have heard or seen anything." Peter finishes. "You need to breathe, nephew

"I'll breathe when Stiles is home and safe." Derek then turned to the three men on the couch. "You three—"

"We're hunters. We know what to do." Dean cuts in.

Derek nodded once in acknowledgement.

"Did anyone happen to see anything last night that might help us find him?" Sam asks. "Anything weird or out of the ordinary?"

"Oh no."

"That oh no doesn't sound to great, Chris." Peter is the one to speak. "What do you mean "oh no?"

"Scott came up to me last night." Chris starts. "He was asking questions about my father."

"So that's why he was there." Lydia nods. Putting the pieces together.

"Most of us didn't see him until the whole thing with Derek and Stiles." Jackson adds.

"What exactly did Scott say?" Peter asked, calmly. Way to calmy. That is never a good thing.


"Since it's been a few hours of complete silence and no talking what so ever, how about you tell me what I want to know." Gerard barks as he re entered the basement. He looked over to his goon and nodded.

Said goon strides up behind him and takes off the literal fucking muzzle. He's so going to be the one to kill Gerard.

"How can I tell you what you want to know if I don't know what you want to know?" Stiles questions.

Gerard took a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Stiles smirked smugly.

Which was probably a mistake on his part. A really, really big mistake.

"Rick, get the things ready." Gerard orders all while smirking smugly right back in Stiles' face. The bitch.

"What things exactly?" Stiles' curiosity taking over. He gulped when he saw Gerard's lacky hook up the electricity machine thing he has seen so many times. It would be too soon if he never, ever saw one of these again.

The first time was when Kate took Derek. They hardly knew each other then. But, he helped Peter track his nephew down. Well, Scott helped too. But, he saw Kate Argent electrocuting Derek, torturing him just for surviving the Hale house fire.

The second time was when Gerard took Boyd and Erica, when Allison caught them when said man brainwashed her. They were tied up for a week, electricity pulsing through them non stop. That is until Stiles got kidnapped by Gerard and helped save them.

The third time was when they all were in Mexico looking for Derek. The Calavera's used the same machine on Scott. Getting him to remember that Kate was the she-wolf. Were-Jaguar. He shudders at the memory.

And now, now Gerard plans on using this technique on him? Stiles knew the man was a monster. But this only confirms everything even more.

"Seriously?" Stiles spat. Anger rising. "I'm human. You're really going to use that on a me?"

Gerard didn't speak. Only cackled happily as he turned to walk back up the stairs.

"I'm only fucking human!" He screams after him. Fighting with all his might to break his hands free.



"Chris." Scott nods as he walks up to said man.

"Scott." He nods back. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yeah, Isaac invited me."

Chris looked out to the crowd of bodies in the loft. He spots Isaac rather quickly dancing with some brown or dirty blonde haired boy. The hunter raised an eyebrow at the werewolf beside him. "Really?"

Scott shrugged, "listen, have you heard from Gerard?"

"My father?" Chris asked taken aback. "No, why would I?"

"I figured you would be keeping tabs on him is all."

"He's not been seen since we got Stiles back from him."

"So, he's gone. He's gone for good?"

"I suppose." Chris shrugged. "I have to get going. Later Scott. Enjoy the party."


"My phone. His contact information is in my phone. McCall distracted me enough with the questions to get it."

"Someone get Scott over here. Now." Derek growled, flashing his red eyes.

Castiel chose that moment to disappear into thin air only to reappear ten minutes later with a pissed off looking Scott.

"Oh, we are totally keeping him." Erica says astonished.

"What. The. Hell." Scott grounds out.

Peter smirked. "Yes, what the hell indeed. Care to answer a few questions, McCall?"

"What the hell is this? How did he do that?" Scott demanded to know.

"I don't think you are in any position to be demanding answers." Derek is trying really, really hard not to rip this kids throat out... with his teeth.

Dean stood and in his gruffy voice said "Sit down now."

Scott redundantly looked around before slowly making his way to the now vacant couch.

"Now, why don't you tell us what you've been up to hmm?" Asks Peter. Sitting right in his space. Electric blue eyes shining bright in the dim lit room.

To be continued...

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