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When someone tells you a joke that isn't even funny
"So funny that I forgot to laugh"

When someone tells you a very long story
"Cool story bro"

When someone fell down in front of you
"Shit!,I almost gave a fuck"

When your in the classroom and your teacher tells you a story
Then your best friend passed you a note
"Just pretend to give a fuck"

When your hiding from your friend
Then he opened the door you jump out saying

When in the classroom you said a lot of answers that were for your classmates
Then you put your shades on
"Deal with it"

When I'm a singer but they hate my song
"Haterz gonna hate biatches"

When my friend gave me her notebook when I looked inside
Shit...many sentences
Then I returned her the notebook
"Oh you finishes it already??"
I replied

When a dude talking to me about nonsense
"I can feel your bullshit destroying my brain cells"

When a nerd comes close to you and said the meaning of science
"Yoour an fuuucking neerd!
And nobody likes you!
Youur a fuuuuucking neeeerd~!
And no one likes you!!!" Just sing it
Like a high pitched voice

That's it for today
9GAG's getting more funnier
Oh yah my name there is
The smiling dog face
Freaking adowable

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