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There was no excuses left, he had gotten all the time in the world to think things though. Now it was time to take actions, do what you think is right, no excuses, no going back. It was time.

Steves back was all sweaty, hair still wet. The school day hadn't ended yet but somehow he knew that the person he relied the most on wasn't going to let him skip class alone. It had went about 3 hours since he rushed out of the school building, and about half an hour since he was halfway drowning in his own pool. He was sitting in his car, hands steady on the wheel, eyes on the road, eyes on the goal. He was speeding to the place he knew Tommy would be, and don't ask him why he knew it, because he wouldn't be able to explain. The roads were free from cars, the only life giving him company on his way was the wind blowing in his messy hair. His hair was constantly slapping him in the face with every wind blow, making him remember why he quit swim team in high school. He had to choose, popularity and looks or doing what made him happy. And we all know what hair gel won.

He was nearby now, he could hear the familiar bell ring before the door closed. A person was standing in the parking lot, opening his can of coke. Tommy was leaning on his car, weirdly struggling to open the can. He was miserable, rethinking his life decisions. Because 19 minutes into 2nd period he realised that there was no easy way out. He had tied chains to his own feet making things even worse. If he had just confessed Nancy and Steve would be together, because even thought it hurt deep to his core admitting it, they were meant to be.

From a far Tommy heard a squealing noice, a car stopping drastically. He looked up and locked eyes with Steve in the drivers seat. He immediately saw the despair on his face, he was in a really hurry, hair all over the place. It had been ages since he saw him so natural, so himself, he loved his natural hair. Steve kept the engine running, he jumped out of the car and smiled faintly before he remembered he couldn't waste a second.

-I will be straight ( not ;))forward with you, I need a big favour.

-Anything man, ill help you out.

Steve knew he could trust him, more than anyone actually. He was just so happy to see him, know he was by his side.

-Well don't just stand there, in the car! I'll tell you everything on the way so just shut up and hear me out.

There they sat, 3 inches apart from each other, legs almost touching. Tommy was leaned back, processing what Steve actually asked him to do. It was bad enough as it was, and knowing that Jonathan didn't deserved it would hunt him in his sleep. Steves back was straight up, almost leaning forward on the wheel, hand and grip steady. Now it wasn't only in Tommys head, the tension was real, even Steve could feel it in his gut. He decided on the spot to shut it out for now, and maybe bring it back when his balance was restored. He wished to do that.

-Are you sure you want to help me? Because I don't want to bring you in this drama, I know that you weren't a big fan of Wheeler. 

-Im in, how many times do I have to tell you. I would do practically anything for you.

Silence. Steve looked at Tommy but he was clueless, looking out the window.

He continued:

-Its true, she wasn't really my type, but it felt good knowing that you were happy.

That tingling feeling was back, taking over his stomach for a bit, getting bigger then the guilt in his gut. He hadn't felt it since the pool party, which practically killed the butterflies in one shot. But one stayed, lurking, protected, still growing behind the wall of other feelings he felt at the moment...

One story, two hearts and two different angles (Steve x Tommy)Where stories live. Discover now