Chapter 6: Francis

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Francis gets off his motorcycle, hearing a war just a few streets down between the infected & military. The big man points his shotgun at a couple infected that notices him, he blasts them with his shotgun shells & hurries into the mall shutting doors behind him as a few more ran his way.

Francis quickly puts a crowbar between the handles so it wouldn't open so easily.

"What do you think your doing here?" A security guard points a gun to him, shaking, nervous.

"Shopping" Francis tells him, looking down at his weapon,"you really going to threaten a man carrying a shotgun? I've been through hell, seen a many good people die" images of Keith, Zoey, Louis & Bill run through his head, the hell he went through in Pennsylvania.

"Does it look like I give a damn?" The guard yells.

Francis pulls the trigger, the shells fly at the guard full speed, instantly killing him as blood splattered everywhere.

"My bad" Francis spits at the dead body, in disrespect.

"Hey?" A blonde woman comes out from behind a corner with a handgun pointed at him, she looks down at the dead guard then back to Francis, her blue eyes just looking at him.

"Easy there, mind if we repopulate the globe?" Francis just chuckles.

"You think this is a game?" She says,"put the gun down, before I put a bullet in your brain".

Francis aims his shotgun to her,"you first, princess".

"Sarah?" A young kid, no older than 12, walks from behind the corner and stares in shock at his sister & the man with tattoos,"it's still hurting" the kid itches his arm.

Francis looks at the young boy, staring at a bite on the kid's arm, a recent bite from an infected.

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