Chapter 12: Jaw Droppers

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Coach looks towards Rochelle, noticing she has been itching a certain spot on her arm,"You alright, girl?"

Rochelle nods her head,"I just, I just want to get out of his hell hole".

Ellis stops in his tracks, looking around them, behind them and to the sides,"Umm, guys?"

"What now Ellis?" Nick asks him, stopping right behind the redneck,"I still think this is a ridiculous idea".

"Quite" Ellis tells Nick.

"What is it?" Coach asks him, looking around them, and to the far east lays a highway with empty cars.

"It's quite" Ellis tells them.

"Yeah, so?" Nick asks.

"Means there are no infected" Ellis turns back to Nick and the rest of the group,"where'd they all go?"

A siren goes off in the distance somewhere, Rochelle speaks,"Let's just go to the Dark Carnival".

"The what?" Ellis asks.

"The Dark Carnival" she turns to him,"That's what me and my friends nicknamed the arena, because we wo-"

"SSHHH" Coach puts a finger to his lips,"GET DOWN" he orders everyone.

The group would duck down behind one of the cars, and Coach points up ahead. A man stands there, having what looks like an infected in his arms and something dropped to the ground, looking like part of the infected's face.

"You do it?" A voice nearby asks.

The man turned towards the direction of the voice, and nods his head,"This is really a Jaw Dropper, get it?" 

Another man appears, but this man having longer grey hair,"Stop with the stupid jokes. Put him with the rest of them".

The short haired man nods his head,"Oky Doky" he would grab the infected by his neck, wrapping what looks,"Drop him from the 2nd story?"

The grey haired man nods his head,"And make it snappy. Rick isn't patient".

"Aren't they still dangerous?" Rochelle asks Coach, she coughs.

"Yeah. These guys are just idiots" Coach tells her, watching the man go into a building on the left,"their smart, I'll give them that. Electric fence" he points towards a fenced in wall, showing several infected on the other side, every time they touched the fence, it electrified them.

Moments later, the infected they had dropped from the 2nd story into the crowd of the rest,"You really think we can pass them without being noticed?" Nick asks the group, slowly getting back to his feet.

"No one's watching us" Coach looks up into the windows,"I take it it's only three people".

"Three people?" Rochelle turns to Coach,"over two dozen infected locked behind fences, and you think only three people did all of that?"

"Well one time me and Keith........"

"Shut up" Nick tells Ellis, turning to Coach,"You lead the way, 'boss'".

Something shot right into Rochelle's leg, she fell to a knee,"SHIT" she cries out.

"Did you just take an arrow to the knee? No pun intended" Ellis says, as an arrow shot right into Rochelle's knee, he took out his gun looking around.

"I wouldn't move if I were you" a bigger man steps out, with a gun pointed at the group, and the two other men they saw on either sides of him.

Coach turns to the man,"Whoa, we're just passing through".

The man they call Rick doesn't move, the gun still pointed at him,"What do you think your doing?"

Nick stands behind the group, staring at the three men as if they were crazy, nodding his head towards the infected behind the fence,"You know their still dangerous, right?"

Rick smiles,"We're trying to make them harmless".

"How'd you get so many of them?" Coach asks, turning to the fence, then back to the three men with guns pointed at them,"and how'd you remove their jaws so easily?"

"It's called going to the gym, and machetes" Rick pops his bubble gum,"Easy. We came up with a plan. Turned on one of those annoying car alarms, then boom. They all ran to one spot. Then we closed the doors and turned on the electricity....SHOCKING isn't it?"

Coach would try to help Rochelle, turning to them,"You didn't have to shoot her, you alright?" He asks Rochelle, and pulled on the arrow but she screamed.

Rick put down his bow and continued to smile,"We had to make sure you guys weren't one of them. You see? I'm trying to contain them. There were, more of us" he turned to the fence,"but soon they got infected then we put them with the rest" turning back to Coach and the group, then Rochelle coughed some more and Rick's smile disappeared.

The grey haired man brought his gun up and pointed it at Rochelle, then pulled the trigger as the bullet flew through the air landing into Rochelle's skull dropping her, killing her instantly. At that moment, the younger short haired man went behind Ellis putting a knife to his neck, as if to use him for insurance. Coach quickly knelt down to Rochelle, turning his head looking up at everything that took place. The infected pushed against the fence, but the fence shocked them back. 

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