Part nine

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I am fully dressed . I've decided to put on my black dress, knee-length, with my favorite blue boots, with my hair tied in a messy bun. I am feeling good , his phone call actually made my day.

" What are you all looking at ?" my face turns into the brightest shade of pink, from the 3 pairs of eyes gawking at me . " Lindsay, you are glowing, what happened?" Jenna is moving slowly towards me , carefully eyeing me from head to toe, I can't help but cringe. " Well can't a girl be happy?" I sigh and walks slowly towards the front door. " Come on guys, let's just go eat, I'm hungry," I try my best to change the subject before further investigations follow.

We are now seated at Mrs. Snow's - Will's mom- wooden table, the aroma of pancakes filling the kitchen. My stomach is singing a symphony of longing and desperation, I haven't eaten since yesterday. We engage in small talks for about 10 minutes, and soon enough, breakfast is served. Before I could even start eating, I rememeber that fact that I still have to take my insulin shots. " Excuse me guys,I forgot about my insulin shots, I will be right back, sorry ." Looks of sympathy and pitty stab  me like daggers.

As I went up the stairs back to my home, memories of that day come back to me .

It was a cold November morning, the 14th to be exact, 2010. It was a thursday, and I had school. I made my way through the crowded halls, into Mr. Peter's classroom. I had english. On my way up the stairs, I collapsed, and a group of students and worried teachers ran towards me , trying to figure out what my problem was . Faint chatter was all I could hear . I felt so vulnerable and fragile. Screams of panic radiated through me , and five minutes later, I was out.

I woke up in a white room, and I was almost sure I was in heaven . The only thing that brought me back to reality was the distinct chatter of a doctor, and my teary mother facing him, with her hands clutching her heart, as if trying to keep it in place. " Diabetes is not a huge deal, seriously! You have to trust medicine , Mrs. Snow. It is going to be alright. Insulin shots will be given to her on a daily basis, and she will be alright," Doctor Albert was trying to convince my mother. He was a very kind man , his dark brown hair framing his face in slightly messed up curls, and his blue eyes radiating love and sympathy . His words made unbidden tears form in my eyes. What is happening to me ? what is this whole Diabetes issue they are all talking about? I've heard of it before, but I only reckoned it affected old people, not 12 year olds , like me ! And Insulin shots?! what the hell? Am I gonna be forced to give myself shots 3 times per day?! I glanced over at my mom, who was now starting to calm down , she looked back at me , and smiled a very warm and conciliatory smile. I felt a surge of calm wash over me , and I knew just then , that everything will turn out just fine, that I am going to be alright.

I am now back with my cousins at the table , enjoying my chocolate-flavoured pancakes. I must grant Mrs. Snow two thumbs up for her skills. Her pancakes are just perfect! Will startles me by yelling out, " We have school tomorrow! haha!" I feel glad for some reason , but at the same time a bit nervous. Tons of undone homework is sitting at my desk , begging for some attention, but, Vinie is going to be in school tomorrow, YAY!

We are done breakfast, and I excuse myself , it is time to finally give my homework the attention it demanded.

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