Part Fifteen

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After what seemed like an eternity of idle yearning, I decided to give up. What’s the point of searching when I know he isn’t there? I just knew something has to go wrong. I mean, life isn’t that fairytale that we always picture it to be. Vinie wasn’t going to show up on a white horse, with flowers in his hand. I knew it, he knew it , and most importantly, fate knew it.

And that was the moment when fate became my arch nemesis.

I have two free periods now, so I figured I’d head down to BowTie bakery, in attempt to clear my head. Tina already had another class now, and I didn’t particularly feel like going over to her classroom to fetch the car keys, so walking down to the bakery seemed like my only choice. It was already mid-January, and snow was starting to fall. So, in hopes that I might reach my destination safely, I put on my hat and got going. I plugged in my earphones, and put my Ipod on shuffle.  The most inconvenient song comes up. Thanks, fate .

Daniel Beddingfield’s  If You’re Not The One starts to play as I forcefully shuffle my feet across the pavement, in an attempt to walk faster. What is it with this guy? I’d only known him for a short while, and he’s already tattooed his name across my heart. I wonder if I might run into him now, at the bakery, given our date here the other day. But, I guess it isn’t fair of me to call it a date yet, is it?

The same old bakery stands across from me, inviting me in. It does feel like home, strangely. As soon as I walk in, unbidden memories of my meeting with Him surround me , and I swear I could almost smell his perfume. “ I’ll have a cup of hot chocolate, and a muffin, please.” My voice is so low, it’s almost a whisper. The waiter just nods and smiles, registering things onto his computer.  His nametag reads Roger. He’s freakishly tall, and no, not the attractive kind of tall. More like the outcast kind. He has chocolate-brown hair , and a pair of eyes to match. He isn’t too appealing, but there’s something about him that captures my attention, although that awful red uniform isn’t doing much to compliment his appearance. As soon as he returns, I smile. “ Hi, I’m Lindsay. I’m guessing you’re new here, because I’m always hanging out here, and I’ve never seen you around…” Where the hell is this attitude coming from? I’m not used to being this perky…

Roger shifts his weight to his other leg, and smiles nervously. “ Hi, just transferred here…I’m Roger.” He slowly raises one hand, and waves. I smile. “ Cool, I guess I’ll be seeing you around, huh?” “Yeah, I guess.” And that was the end of the conversation.

I grab my order from the counter, pay for it , and take my seat at the usual table, exactly where Vinie was sitting the last time we’d been here.  Before I start eating my muffin, I glance at my phone. Should I call him?

YES. The answer is yes. I am going to call him. I search for the name hastily, eager to hear his voice. Beep…Beep. Nothing. He doesn’t pick up. I slam my phone on the table and just eat in silence.

The time passes agonizingly slow- slower than usual if you ask me- But eventually, the time for my next class comes around , and I get up from my seat, discard my muffin wrap, and take the hot chocolate with me. As I Trot down the sidewalk, Wanda’s old Beetle passes by, and she basically jumps out of the window. “ HEY! Meet me after school! My place! Love you!” This girl makes me so glad I met her.

I stand still for a few moments, just enjoying the weather. It has stopped snowing now. A thin layer of cotton covers the ground. Everything looks so peaceful. If only he were here to enjoy it with me. He had a particular liking to the snowy weather. It’s such a shame I’m all alone here…

Why am I even mad at him? It’s not like he’s mine in any way! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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