Chapter Seven

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Eddie beamed, gesturing to the waterfall with his arm. 

"Yeah this is a real special place to me. Nobody comes out here." 

I stretched up on my tippy toes, trying to get into the hammock, but I missed greatly, falling over it and sending it spiralling with me.  My ankle was caught, and I felt a tug as Eddie came to unwind it. 

"Holy shit." He cackled. "Are you alright? I've done that once or twice." 

I glared at him as I got to my feet again, steadying my weight on my ankle. It didn't seem injured, just a little sore from having the hammock twisted around it. 

"I'm sorry for laughing, you just made a silly face when you fell. It was cute." I looked over at him, furrowing my brows. He thought I was cute? 

"Here let me help." He said, beckoning me back over to the hammock. He had untwisted it and it sway lightly in the air in front of him. I carefully made my way over, handing him my bag. He pulled the hammock down and lent me his arm so I could use it to balance. Once I was in the hammock he slid me over a little and joined me, putting his arms behind his head and gazing up at the tree tops above us. His lips curled up at the edges in a faint smile, as he closed his eyes, relaxing. I hated to disturb him but I had questions, and now that we were alone I felt more comfortable asking them.

 "Eddie?" I asked, turning my head to face him. 

"Mmm?" He hummed, looking down at me through those beautiful lashes of his. 

"Did you mean to kiss me or did that happen by accident?" I asked, picking at my fingers. He rolled to his side, resting on one arm. 

"I meant to." He said without hesitation. "I had wanted to for a little bit but I was always to nervous to do it, thought I'd take the musical high and use it to my advantage. Is it okay? I know we haven't previously discussed anything like that before."

I looked down at my hands, smiling to myself. "No, it was okay, I just wasn't expecting it, thats all." 

He looked releived, smiling softly down at me. 

"I'm sorry, I should have given you more warning. It probably would have been better that way," He muttered, pressing his palm into his face. 

"You know, we could try it again." I said softly, watching his face for a reaction. 

He looked up suddenly, moving his hand over his mouth and down his chin. He leaned up on an elbow, looking down at me and licking his lips. I felt his hand caress my cheek, and felt warmth spreading throughout my face. My breathing shallowed, and I could practically hear my heart beating like it had moved to my ears. 

His hand cupped my face, gripping along my jawline, and he leaned in slowly. I closed my eyes, and felt his lips come down on mine, not rough, but firmly. I let my breath out through my nose and pushed my lips against his, opening my mouth a little to give him more room. His tongue flicked along my bottom lip, asking for entry which I anxiously allowed. He tasted like cloves, just how he smelled, cloves and sugar, like a pastry. He pulled back, and the wind rushed over my face, reminding me to breathe. 

"How was that?" He whispered, running his thumb along my cheek. I looked up at him and smiled, sighing with content. 

"It was perfect Eddie, this is perfect." He reached over me and grabbed something from the bag he brought. The Silmarillion. 

"You brought the book?!" I asked, squealing with excitement. 

"I did, figured you would like reading out here as much as I do." He handed it over, wrapping his arms around me, and I held the book in front of him so he could read to me. I loved reading, but it was special when I got to enjoy the story with my eyes shut, just envisioning it in my head. Besides, I loved hearing his voice. 

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