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"Are you sure about this, Kiada?" My Mom asked as I finished packing my light blue side bag. I had gathered a couple changes of clothes, a thin blanket, a mess kit, a small first aid kit, and my wallet.

I had also changed into jean shorts, a crop top, and a large dark green button up shirt, which I left unbuttoned.

I played with my moon choker, before standing up, placing my bag strap on my shoulder, and walking over to Ralts, who had just finished eating an Oran Berry, and then fallen asleep on my bed.

I had asked Alain not to tell my Parents that my powers had finally awoken. I knew if they found out, they would never let me leave. Even if I'm unaffected by the curse. They would still be too frightened.

I picked up Ralts and closed my eyes, remembering how the Princess had responded to The Being of Order when he had asked his question.

I opened my eyes and looked at my Mom. "I'm not afraid."

There were tears in her eyes now, and she rushed forward, embracing me in a tight hug. "Please be careful, Kiada. You are our Clan's light."

I closed my eyes once more. I can travel and live a real life? Why did I tell Alain that? This journey was temporary. I wasn't free like other people. My fate was sealed on the day I was born. I would guide my clan as it's Princess. On my eighteenth birthday, I would have to return and marry Alain. After that, I would live the rest of my life here.

Mom let me go, and we headed downstairs to the kitchen, where we parted ways. She stayed at my Dad's side, while I continued to the living room, where Alain was.

I found my Fiancé sitting on a couch, gazing out the window, and holding a half eaten rice ball in his hand. I was pretty sure it was the same rice ball he had started eating thirty minutes ago. They were pretty good too. I had had a couple. So my guess was that he had gotten deeply lost in thought.

"Is everything alright, Alain?" I asked him, when he didn't seem to notice me, despite that I was only a couple feet away.

He looked at me a tad startled, but then regained his composure and stood up.

"Yeah. Sorry. I have a lot on my mind." He told me. I looked down. "So do I."

Alain took a step towards me, causing me to look at him again. "We'll head back to Oldale Town and spend the night at the Pokémon Center. On the way, I want you to think of a dream you want to follow." Alain said. I blinked. "Dream?"

Alain nodded. "When a Trainer goes on a journey, they go in order to discover themselves and follow their dreams. For example, Pokémon Contests and Gym Battles are common in this region. You could have a dream of being a top Coordinator, or becoming Champion, or anything really. You have plenty of options."

I dropped my gaze again. "I'm the Princess of the Eternity Clan, Alain. I'm not allowed to have dreams. I..." Alain placed a finger against my lips, causing me to looked at him in surprise.

His eyes were soft, and his expression was gentle.

"I don't care that you're the Princess of this Clan, Kiada." Alain told me in a quiet voice. " You're so much more than that, and I'm seeing more of who you really are every second I'm with you."

"I'll admit that I wasn't fond of the decision my parents made, but now I'm beginning to care about you, just as I care about all the other important people in my life. That's why, if you ever decide you don't want to carry the burden of being the Princess anymore, then I give you my word that I'll take you away from it all, and give you the life you deserve. A new life where you can be free."

I stared at Alain in utter shock. He removed his hand and headed for the door. I quickly regained my composure and hurried after him.

Free. I wish it were possible.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now