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I placed Ralts onto my bed by the window and tried to ignore the fact that Alain was now shirtless.

He had just finished taking a shower, and apparently only sleeps in pajama pants. Better than without that too, but I wasn't used to sleeping in the same room as a boy, even if we were in different beds. It was weird how he didn't seem to care that the whole world got to see his bare upper body.

I guess living with my Fiancé for a year was also supposed to get me used to this, but it wasn't easy right now.

I leaned against the window, and tried to focus on looking at the night sky.

It was my first night away from home. Strangely, I didn't feel homesick, but something did feel off. In the back of my mind I thought I could even hear two sets of footsteps running. Who did they belong too?

"Kiada." Alain said getting off his bed and walking to the light switch. "You should get some sleep." I nodded and got into bed. Ralts curled up on my pillow and Alain turned off the light. Not long after, I was fast asleep.


"Perhaps you are not The Eternity Princess. What are you?"


My eyes shot open. The voice of that Legendary Pokémon!

My gaze softened and I sat up. What am I? Was I not a Princess of the Eternity Clan? I was born to one. Didn't that make me one as well?

"Ra?" Ralts said, sitting up sleepily. I picked it up and got out of bed. "Come on." I told my partner. "The moon is still out. I want to dance."

Outside, on the Pokémon battlefield next to the Pokémon Center, I slipped off my shoes and placed Ralts on the bench, then I walked to the middle and began to dance under the moonlight.

Twirling, gliding, side stepping. I moved my arms outward, up, and to my chest in different orders.

Dancing always calmed me. It was something that made me feel at peace, and I could forget about my troubles.

After a short while, I realized that I wasn't the only one dancing. I opened my eyes, which I always closed when I danced, and saw that Ralts was dancing in sync with me. Stepping when I stepped, twirling when I twirled. Moving it's arms the way I did at the same time I did. It was like we were one.

For the first time, I smiled while dancing. "Ralts. Jump up onto my arms." I said, reaching out both my arms as I spun again. Ralts obeyed and we began a new dance.

Ralts twirled along my right arm as I stretched both out to my sides, and then flipped over my head, landing on my other arm and twirling once more. Meanwhile I twirled a bit slower, while smiling, and once Ralts had made it to my other arm, I tossed it into the air, where it spun, then I side stepped, and had Ralts slide down my arm to the ground, where we continued dancing in sync, but in a much more carefree way.

This was the first time I had ever had fun while dancing. It had always just been for stress relief, and even though other people enjoyed it, it had never made me this happy. I hadn't realized I could enjoy dancing this much.

Ralts and I twirled one more time, then I dropped down and hugged my Pokémon, laughing. "Ra!" It said just as happily. This had been amazing!

Suddenly, I stopped laughing. "Ra?" Ralts asked confused. I looked up to see two people leaning against opposite sides of a light pole watching us. How long had they been there?

Ralts quickly noticed and jumped out of my arms, turning to face them. "Ra!" It said aggressively.

I stood up and clutched my night dress. They looked about Alain's age. Both boys. One had short spiky white hair, and was wearing jeans, a green muscle top, white boots, and had a Z tattooed on his left cheek. He also had a Pokéball holding belt with a Masterball attached to it.

The other boy had long white hair pulled over his shoulder in a loose ponytail. He wore a cream hoodie, with a letter A Unown stitched on both sleeves, jeans, black tennis shoes, and a cream satchel bag hanging from his shoulder.

The two of them smiled at me, and then spoke the Forbidden Word, 'Me-O'. Immediately they were teleported away.

My eyes widened. They could use the Forbidden Language.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now