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"I'm sorry about earlier, Alain." I told my Fiancé as we waited for our Pokémon to finish being treated.

"Did something happen last night?" He asked me. I nodded. "Will you tell me?" He asked next. I gripped the ends of my shorts. "Ralts and I went outside for a little bit last night." I started. "Everything was fine, but there were two boys about your age who we realized were watching us. When we finally noticed them, they both used the Forbidden Word Me-O, which means, Elsewhere, and allows one who can use the Forbidden Language to Teleport."

"They weren't from my Clan. No one in my Clan has anything to do with Pokémon, and one of them had a Masterball on his belt. The other had a letter A Unown stitched on both of his sleeves. I'm positive they're Trainers, and I feel like I should know who they are, but I don't, and it worries me."

I was aware that Alain had tensed. He didn't seem to like what I had to say.

"We should head for route 102 as soon as possible." He told me, finally speaking. "First though, we should stop by the Poké Mart and get some supplies. I want you to stay close to me, alright?"

I blinked surprised, but nodded.

A short time later, the Pokémon Center chime rang, and Alain and I got up to collect our Pokémon.

Ralts immediately jumped into my arms the second it came out with Chansey. I hugged my little Pokémon, and looked at Alain with a smile. He took his Pokéball from the tray, and placed it in his waist bag with his other Pokémon. "Thank you." He said, then turned and started walking out of the Pokémon Center. "Hurry Kiada." He said.

"Ra?" Ralts asked, confused, but I just thanked Nurse Joy and followed Alain. I got the feeling what I had told him earlier worried him more than it worried me. And it worried me a lot.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now