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Alain, his Pokémon, Ralts, and I were eating breakfast. Or at least Ralts and I were trying to.

We had decided to eat outside, since Alain's Pokémon were quite a bit bigger than mine. He had Charizard of course, but then there was Metagross, Tyranitar, Weavile, Unfezant, and a Chesnaught. They all got along with Ralts, and seemed to like me as well, but Ralts and I were distracted, and it didn't help that we were eating breakfast out on the battlefield.

"Kiada? What's wrong?" Alain asked after he had almost completely finished eating. Everyone looked at me. I squeezed my fork. I felt like I should've known who those two were, but I couldn't figure it out. I knew they weren't from my Clan. No one in my Clan has a Pokémon. Well, except me now, but still.

I heard Alain sigh. "Alright. Fine. Let's have a battle." My eyes widened and I looked at him. "Wait! What!"

Alain was already standing. "When you're battling alongside your Pokémon, you have to focus on the battle and nothing else. Otherwise you're partner will get hurt. Now come on. This will help you clear your head." "But Alain..." I started, but he wasn't listening.

I looked at my plate of food, then at Ralts. My little Psychic and Fairy type was giving me a determined look. "Ra!" It said. I still felt uneasy, but got up and walked with Ralts to the side of the field that Alain wasn't on. The little Pokémon took its place, and Alain looked over at his Pokémon. "Unfesant. You're up."

Alain's Flying type Pokémon flew over and proudly raised it's head. "Unfesant." It said.

"Alright. This is how a Pokémon battle works." Alain said. "Two Trainers battle each other with an equal amount of Pokémon. When all the Pokémon on one side faint, that person loses. Since you only have Ralts, this will be a one-on-one battle. Alright?"

I took a shaky breath. "Alright."

Alain nodded. "You can have first move Kiada." My Fiancé told me. I bit my lip for a second, then tried to be confident. "Ralts! Use Shock Wave!" "Unfesant! Air Slash!" Alain immediately shouted startling me. His Pokémon sliced it's wings through the air as Ralts sent out a Shock Wave attack at the Flying type. The attacks hit their targets, and Ralts was thrown backwards. "Raaaa!" It cried in pain.

"Ralts!" I shouted in fear. "Unfesant! Steel Wing!" Alain told his Pokémon. It's wings became metallic and it dove down towards my Ralts who was struggling to get back up.

I grit my teeth and clenched my fists. I had to protect Ralts, but I couldn't do anything. This was a Pokémon Battle. Only Pokémon could fight.

'When you're battling alongside your Pokémon, you have to focus on the battle and nothing else.'

My eyes widened and my grip loosened. Battle alongside my Pokémon?

My body relaxed and I closed my eyes. Ralts. I thought. I just needed to connect with it. We needed to link ourselves.

I opened my eyes, my body pulsing. Unfesant came down on Ralts at that moment, but I knew it hadn't made contact.

The dust settled, and Ralts stood in front of me, while Alain's Pokemon flew in place above the battlefield. Alain looked a bit surprised, but I decided not to hesitate. "Ralts! Use Psychic!" I cried. My partner did so, and made Unfesant crash into the ground.

I smiled, but my small victory was short lived. "Unfesant! Echoed-Voice!" Alain shouted.

Before the dust had even finished settling, Ralts was blasted by a painful wave of sound and collapsed.

"Ralts!" I cried, and ran to my Pokémon. Gingerly, I lifted it into my arms. I then looked at Alain with tears in my eyes. "Alain! What do I do?! Ralts is hurt!"

Alain recalled his Unfesant, and walked over to me as if nothing was wrong. He then knelt down and placed a hand on my head. "Come on. We take them to Nurse Joy, remember? Everything will be alright."

My eyes widened. I had been so worried that I had to protect Ralts on my own, that I'd completely forgotten that Nurse Joy could help.

Alain stood up and lent me his hand. I took it. "Right sorry." I said wiping my eyes once I was standing. "Let's go see Nurse Joy."

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now