Chapter 3

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Jisoo walked to the canteen to find something for lunch when she was stopped by a pull from the hand. She turned around to find Taehyung. She took her hand back.

"Jisoo... I can prove to you that I'm your brother. I have this photo, but it is missing half of it." Taehyung shows Jisoo a photo with him and his mom.

Jisoo checks her pockets to find another photo with her and her dad.She had always kept the photo since it was one of the only photos she took when she was a kid. She connects the two photos and it aligned.

"Do you believe me now?" Taehyung asked.

"Even if I do. What's gonna change?" Jisoo looked up at Taehyung.

"I can take you to meet mom." Taehyung offered.

"I don't want to meet a woman that abandoned me. I have to go now, bye." Jisoo walked away.

All Taehyung could do was watch her long lost sister walk away. After Jisoo grabbed some lunch, she walked back to the dorm room. It was noisier than usual inside. She slowly opens the door to find Taehyung leaving the dorm room.

Taehyung glanced at Jisoo before leaving. She walked inside to find Jennie again, furious. This time, Chaeyoung was trying to calm her down. It was hard to calm her down.

"What happened?" Jisoo asked Lisa.

"Taehyung broke up with her.." Lisa replied. "Forget about her and Taehyung, do you want to get some ice cream? I heard a new ice cream shop opened nearby."

"Sure." Jisoo needed a break too. They walk downstairs together to the ice cream shop. 

"One strawberry and two chocolate ice cream, please." Lisa pays for the ice cream.

The ice cream man hands them the ice cream and change. They walk back to the dorm together. When they arrive, Jisoo hands the strawberry ice cream to Chaeyoung.

"Thanks." Chaeyoung sighed.


The first two days of entering the dorm was already stressful enough, Jisoo doesn't know if she was ready for when school actually starts. She couldn't sleep at night, so, she walks at the rooftop of the school so the fresh air and the scenery can calm her down.

"Couldn't sleep?" A familiar voice appeared behind her. It was Taehyung.

"Yeah, what about you?" Jisoo asked.

"Same." Taehyung enjoys the view with Jisoo. "Even though I was absent for the last few years, I promise that I'll take care of you from today onwards." 

"Thanks." Jisoo gave out a small smile. "I should go back, I'm tired." Jisoo walked back to the dorm room. With the comfort she got from Taehyung, she goes to bed with a smile on her face.

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