Chapter 7

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Suddenly, Taehyung runs into the dorm room, panting for breath and sweating. Jisoo turns around and sees him standing there. Jisoo walks out of the room with Taehyung to avoid waking Lisa up.

"What happened?" Jisoo asked.

"It's dad... he's in the hospital. You have to go see him." Taehyung tells her urgently.

"But.. Lisa." Jisoo panicked. "How did he go to the hospital?"

"There was a car accident." Taehyung replied. "Are you going or not?"

"I'm sorry.. I can't just leave Lisa here." Jisoo said to Taehyung.

"Fine, then I'll go by myself." Taehyung angrily walks away.


"Get out of the damn house, you imbecile." Her dad yelled.

It was another cold night. He was so different from the loving and kind dad when he was drinking. Jisoo stayed outside in the cold night. She was shivering from the cold. It was like this a few times a month. 

Jisoo started jogging on the sidewalks so she wouldn't be that cold. She would usually give up and enter a mall or a shop to use the heater. But today, the malls and shops were all closed because it was a holiday. Eventually, she passed out from the cold.

When she woke up, she found herself on a bed. She was covered in blankets, she was met by a girl in sunglasses and a hoodie. She couldn't see her face entirely. 

"H-home.. I have to go home." Jisoo let out a small whimper.

"Shhhh..." The girl smiled.

The smile looked really familiar, but Jisoo couldn't remember where she saw it. Eventually, she walks back inside the dorm room and finds Lisa wide awake and panting. She sat beside her.

"What happened?" Jisoo worriedly asked.

"It's nothing.. just a nightmare." Lisa forced out a smile.

Suddenly, Jisoo remembers the smile from the girl in the hoodie. Then it hits her, no wonder it was so familiar. It was Lisa's smile.

"Are you okay?" Lisa snaps Jisoo out of her daydream.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Jisoo looked back at Lisa. Her hair was definitely the. same as the girl in the hoodie. She remembered what the girl said to her.

"Call me 37.." The girl in the hoodie said. The hoodie was labelled with the number "37."

"A-are you.. 3-37?" Jisoo looked into Lisa's eyes.

"JS?" Lisa looked at Jisoo. Jisoo slightly nods, but Lisa pulls her in for a kiss.


"You can call me JS." Jisoo smiled. "Thanks for everything today."

"No problem, feel free to come by anytime." Lisa waved.

Jisoo walks away back to her house, which was not far away. Lisa walks back into her house and finds her watch on the table. Immediately, she runs outside but sees no trace of Jisoo. Lisa smiles to herself while looking at the watch.

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