Chapter 4

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Jisoo wakes up with her phone vibrating from under her pillow. She turns off the alarm before waking up and cleaning herself up. She then goes to the school canteen to get some breakfast. It was an apple, eggs and toast.

She sits down in the canteen to have breakfast. Taehyung joins her. 

"Aren't you scared that people might make random assumptions about the two of us?" Jisoo asked worriedly. Taehyung just ignores her and just gives her his apple. 

"You have to eat the apple too. It's good for you." Jisoo gives him his apple back. They could feel stares at them and whispers around them.

"Tae, what are you doing over there? Have breakfast with us." A voice calls out. Taehyung turned around to find his friend, Yoon-Gi. 

"It's fine." Taehyung smiled before continuing to eat with Jisoo. Chaeyoung and Lisa joins them for breakfast. 

"What are you guys talking about?" Lisa asked before sitting down with them.

"About our classes." Taehyung lied. 

After about an hour, the bell rings. Jisoo walks with Lisa and Chaeyoung to their classes. A boy sits beside her in class, but she didn't really think much of it. Later, when she was having lunch, she talks with Chaeyoung and Lisa.

"You sat beside THE Seok-Jin?" Chaeyoung exclaimed. "He is the hottest boy in our class."

"I don't know.. I don't really get the hype around Jin." Lisa shrugged.

Suddenly, Taehyung, Yoon-Gi and Jin walks over to their table. Taehyung looked at Jisoo before pulling her aside.

"We need to talk." Taehyung said in a serious voice before grabbing her arm and taking her to somewhere private.

"What's wrong?" Jisoo asked.

"Look, I think somebody told Jennie that you were with me. She was so mad when I saw her, she was also asking around where you were. Watch out." Taehyung looks around them.

"It's ok, I'll be fine." Jisoo smiled before walking back to eat lunch with her friends and Taehyung's friends.

The last few lessons were grueling. After that, she walks back to her dorm room to find Jennie inside with a few other people.

Jisoo walks past her to get a charger from her bag. She was about to leave before Jennie stops her.

"You were seeing my boyfriend, right?" Jennie asked her.

"No..." Jisoo denied.

"But people said otherwise." Jennie stood up and walked to Jisoo.

"I didn't." Jisoo looked at Jennie.

Jennie walked closer to Jisoo before pushing her to the ground. "I want you to know, I don't believe any of your bullshit." Jennie stepped on Jisoo's hand while her friends are laughing at her.

Jisoo's hand starts bleeding. 

"Maybe you should stop, you'll get into trouble." One of Jennie's friends said. Jennie removed her shoe from Jisoo's hand. By now, it was filled with cuts and blood.

"Get out of here." Jennie yelled. Jisoo slowly got up and left the dorm room. Lisa sees Jisoo and runs over to her.

"I was looking all over for you." Lisa said. "What's wrong?" She sees her hand filled with blood and cuts and quickly bandages her hand after finding a first aid kit in their dorm room.

"What happened?" Lisa asked.

"It was.. nothing." Jisoo wiped her tears away before going to bed.

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