Chapter 5

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Taehyung notices Jisoo's bandaged hand when he was grabbing breakfast. He takes Jisoo's hand. 

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Let go." Jisoo winced in pain.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung put down her hand. "Was it Jennie?"

"If it was what are you going to do about it? What can you do about it?" Jisoo walked away to eat breakfast alone. Lisa joined her.

"How are you feeling?" Lisa asked her.

"I'm.. fine." Jisoo replied, eating her breakfast.

"I know you're hiding something from me and I'm not going to pressure you to tell me but, just know that I'm here for you and you can talk to me whenever, okay?" Lisa plays with Jisoo's hair.

"Thank you." Jisoo smiled.

"Now eat your food before I do." Lisa's stomach grumbles. "My stomach is hungry 24/7."

"I will." Jisoo chuckled at the sound of her stomach grumbling.

Chaeyoung joined the both of them. 

"Did you guys finish the math homework?" Chaeyoung sighed. "It took me all night."

Lisa and Jisoo's eyes widen, they run back to their dorm room to grab their assignment then run back to the canteen to finish their homework while eating breakfast.

"What's the answer for question 5?" Lisa asked.

"49." Jisoo replied. She is in full concentration mode, speed writing the assignment. After 15 minutes, she was done.

"You're so quick, that took me like 2 hours." Chaeyoung exclaimed.

Jisoo snatched Lisa's paper and finishes her paper as well.

"I will forever be in debt for you." Lisa hugged Jisoo, it made her blush slightly.

Taehyung walks over to their table with Seok-Jin. 

"What are you ladies doing?" Seok-Jin asked with a wink. The wink made Chaeyoung blush.

Taehyung sat beside Jisoo. "Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"'re my brother after all. I can't be mad at you forever." Jisoo smiled a little.

"Brother?" Chaeyoung and Lisa looked astonished. Honestly, Lisa looked more relieved than surprised.

"Yeah, she's my sister." Taehyung smiled brightly before teasing Jisoo. "You guys should get to class now, or you'll be late."

In class, she could feel Jennie and her friend's glares. It felt as if the whole world was against her. 

"Hi, you're Tae's sister, right?" Seok-Jin took a seat beside Jisoo. Jisoo politely nodded. "There's this party tomorrow night in dorm 068." Seok-Jin hands Jisoo an invitation.

"Thanks." Jisoo puts the invitation in her bag.

"Invite that cute friend you have too." Seok-Jin winked at Chaeyoung.

"I will." Jisoo smiled.

At lunch, Jisoo hands the invitation to Chaeyoung. 

"Seok-Jin said that he wants you to come." Jisoo tells her.

"Are you going?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I don't know." Jisoo shrugged. "Where is Lisa?"

"She said she didn't feel very well, so she stayed in the dorm." Chaeyoung replied.

After Jisoo finished her lunch, she went to the dorm room to find Lisa asleep on the bed. She was shivering. Jisoo covered Lisa with a blanket before going back to class.

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