˚₊· Our Day

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Even in her groggy, exhausted state, Marinette recognized that voice. She flipped over to her other side and threw her blanket over her head.

"What time is it?" she grumbled.

Claire's airy laugh kept her from falling asleep again. "It's one in the afternoon."

Marinette didn't even bother to process her girlfriend's words. "I feel like I had something to do. Whatever."

Just as she began to drift back to sleep, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"That something you had to do was our date, Marinette. Remember?"

"Oh, just reschedule," she said, her words barely understandable. It took a moment for Claire's sentence to sink in. When it did, Marinette practically jumped out of her bed. "We had a date! Oh my God. You asked me and I said yes and you asked me if one p.m was fine and--"

"Marinette. Breath." Claire stood up and put their hands on her shoulders. "You just woke up. It's okay."

Marinette shook her head. "I'm sorry," she said quietly, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Don't worry about it, okay? You treated me before we even started going out. It's my turn to take you on a proper date." Claire's smiled before adding, "No matter what time you wake up."

Now that she'd been scared awake, Marinette was aware enough to get a full look at them. They were wearing a black leather jacket, green sweater, and the same baggy jeans and sneakers they'd worn when the two of them first met. The bangs of their wolf cut still needed to be brushed out of their face, which they took care of once she pointed it out.

"You look nice," she said, still half awake.

"Thank you. Now, are you coming?"

Marinette groaned in protest. "Fifteen minutes," she grumbled.

"Fine, fine," Claire sighed. "Fifteen minutes."

Unfortunately, Claire kept her promise. Fifteen minutes later, Marinette had been practically dragged out of bed. As much as she loved their dates, she also loved sleep. She reluctantly got ready, throwing on a black sweater paired with navy striped pants. She tied her hair back with her signature red ribbon.

As she slipped on her usual pink flats, a thought swept across her face. It was a thought that had been swarming her brain ever since her crush on Claire developed.

"I wanna tell my parents," she said suddenly.

The room was quiet for a moment. She instantly began to regret her words.

"Okay," Claire finally said. "Tell your parents."

Marinette tensed at her tone. But when she turned around, Claire seemed indifferent. "Are you sure?" she checked.

"If you want to. Do you think they'd be okay with it?"

"I think they would."

Cupid's Canvas《Marinette Dupain-Cheng》Where stories live. Discover now