<< Chapter 8 >>

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It's been a day since I spilled everything to Hermione. She's been really supportive, I'm glad to have a friend like her. Although,  she's really worried about me. I'm tired of having people constantly asking me if I'm okay, or if I need anything. That's why I'm so glad that no one at Hogwarts knows. Except for Hermione. I'm hoping no one else figures it out.

After my little outburst at lunch yesterday, I've been avoiding the twins. I somehow managed to all day, even though we share a couple classes. But now it's the Halloween Feast , and the Triwizard Champions are being chosen. As me and Hermione make our way to the Great Hall,  I keep my head low trying to avoid contact with the two Gryffindors. Too late.

"Hey y/n/n!" Fred calls waving his hand. I sigh, knowing I can't avoid them forever. I giveup and make my way over to him. "Where's George?" I ask, noticing his absence. "He's flirting with Angelina." Fred says with a smirk. I look behind me and sure enough, there he is, leaning up against the wall with a nervous looking Angelina. "So, uhm     y/n, can I talk to you?" Fred asks nervously. "Sure , what's up?" I ask him. I'm relieved he hasn't brought up the lunch situation yesterday.

"I meant can I talk to you... alone." He says. My heart starts to beat ten times faster then usual. No, y/n. You're being ridiculous. Fred will never like you. "Uhm...sure." I say calmly, even though that is opposite of what I'm feeling inside. Just as me and Fred
are about to leave to go talk , Dumbledore announces that it's time to eat.

"Oh. It's fine, we can talk ... later." He sighs. "Okay, sure." My heart drops a little but I just sit down. I'm not really hungry,  and I know what will happen if I eat all the rich food, but to avoid arguing again I nibble on a roll. I'm pretty scared after what I saw yesterday. I didn't eat dinner that night, or breakfast and lunch today. I'm actually not hungry,  but I also don't want to be sick again.

I'm lost in thought when Dumbledore announces its time to reveal the Champions. The Goblet turns red and emits a slip of parchment.

"For the Beuxbatons Academy Champion, I give you, Fleur Delacour!"

Dumbledore shouts as the gorgeous half-veela girl makes her way to the front.  The Goblet emits the second slip of parchment and Dumbledore announces:

"For the Durmstrang School Champion, I give you, Victor Krum!"

He walks up and Fred and George start singing their infamous 'Victor I love you' song
Quietly to Ron. I roll my eyes as the last slip of parchment is caught in the Headmasters hand.

"For the Hogwarts Champion, I give you, Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuffs erupt in cheers as he walks up to the front. Before Proffesor Dumbledore can say anything else, something strange happens. The Goblet turns red again and emits one more slip of parchment.

For a second I'm afraid it's like my dream, I already know what they parchment is going to read.

" What's this!? Another Champion? The parchment reads : Cancer Girl. Who is Cancer girl? come up here!" Dumbledore shouts. He stares daggers at me and I turn away. Everyone is whispering, getting louder and louder and louder and louder-

"Hey, y/n!" Fred says , putting a hand on my shoulder,  bringing me back to reality. I look up and I realize I'm crouched in a ball with my hands covering my ears. Some Ravenclaws are staring but that's all because everyone else is shouting. "You okay?" He asks me as I resume a normal sitting position. I know that my dreams are ridiculous, like that would ever happen. I can't keep letting my imagination get the best of me.

"Yeah... im fine.. What happened?" I ask.

"Weren't you listening? Harry got picked as the Fourth Triwizard Champion!" Fred exclaims.

I let out a sigh of relief. I'm honestly still so shaken up. I realize people are leaving so I run for the door. I push past people and just run, run, run. I don't know where I'm going, and I honestly don't care. I find an old hiding  spot of mine underneath a staircase in a empty corridor.I sit down and sigh.

Cancer is a nightmare that's never going to end.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in a while, I was on vacation. Hope you liked the chapter!

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