Little Relaxation

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I woke up from my deep slumber around evening. I had laid unconscious senseless the whole day in such a weird position. And now my whole body was cramped. It was 5 pm now and it felt cool. I had heavy puffy eyes because of all the crying and it felt rather sticky to open them. I sat on my bed thoughtless for some minutes. My brain was numb and all i could feel was the low nice temperature and a quiet environment. I wanted to think about the morning events and make sense of it but i could not press my thoughts about it.
I felt like going back to sleep. Just lying down and passing away in my sleep. Yeah pretty horrible thoughts.

I was just about to lie down when I heard someone enter the house. It isn't a big deal, it could have been anyone from the Blacklash agency. Everyone there has access to my house keys. But I didn't want anyone to talk to me, so I pretended to be asleep and I didn't go to check who it was.

???: Y/N!!!! I'm home baby. Where you at?

It was Layla's voice. I did kinda want to see her. Ever since her school started we haven't been able to get in touch. But would it be a good idea to tell Layla about what I've gone through, especially in the last one day?

Layla: Y/N??? Is she asleep? hmm.

I heard her muttering to herself as she made way to my room.
I turned my face to the other side from the door as it opened, pretending to look out of the window.

Layla: Yoo! Why you not answering me? Mad at me? Or just bored?

Me: It's nothing. I just woke up.

My voice sounded tired because it was true.

Layla: Since when did you start sleeping during daytime?

Me: I just died I think.

Layla: Sleeping during day doesn't kill you. Why you not looking at me?

Me: Promise you won't get angry.

Layla: Huh.? Now that's not something I want to hear. I never get angry at you. What's wrong with you just turn arouuuu????? Huh.????

She hadn't finished when I turned my face to face her and she saw my big bruise.

She ran towards me tumbling onto bed to check my face.

Layla: What happened?? You got into a fight? Who the hell dare touch you? Y/N!!!

She was shaking me trying to get the answer out, with an expression both angry and concerned.

Me: I kinda did....

Layla: With whom? and Why? and When? Did you go to a doctor? Did you apply anything to reduce the pain? Y/N?? I need the complete explanation to this!

I sighed and I ended up telling her everything. To my surprise she made the same face that Blacklash had made. Expecting a yes to the Hero commission recommendation. Sometimes both these sisters look so alike you can't differentiate. Kinda scary.

Me: So you're awfully calm.

Layla: It's the calm before the storm bby. But for real Y/N, even though his methods were wrong, I think it's a huge opportunity.

Me: I don't want this extra favour.

Layla: It's not a favour Y/N. You know Hawks is the youngest hero to ever come this far. If he says something, i think it's worth it. Think about it Y/N. It's a Pro Hero's recommendation.
He'll pay for what he did though.

I could see a devil's face when she said that.

Me: So what you want? I accept this offer? It's ok even if I was to get something I probably don't deserve? Im not sure if I'm good enough Layla.

Layla: Y/N once you become a pro hero and save lives and rise to the top, no one will ask you if you studied in UA or in the Safety Commission itself. Plus Public Safety Commission sounds so cool you know!!

Me: So I can do it?

Layla: Yup bby! Believe in yourself a little more please!!

Me: Ok....

Layla: Come on girly! At least give it a try! Quit if you aren't able to keep up after some days, but at least go for it. I know you fear change way too much. Be a little spontaneous buddy!

Me: Ok I get it...

Layla: Hmm...

Me: So how's your school going? Ya getting trained already or they taking it easy?

Layla: Easy you say...It gets hellish at times. Oh oh btw you know that super cool guy you thought, Bakugou! I saw him crying the other day..

Me: Well he's human you know.

Layla: You haven't met him personally Y/N that's why you're saying that.

Me: So he's not a human?

Layla: Honestly doesn't feel like one mostly pfft!

Me: And Mina? How about her? You get along really good right.

Layla: Me, Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Bakugou hang out during recess.

Me: I really don't know the others you mentioned....but seems like you're getting really well along them.
So....The real question to you.. Anyone intersting you found.

Layla: Oh yes!!! You won't believe me!!

Me: Well that's fast! Who is it? Girl or guy?

Layla: She's a girl!!

Me: Who? (・o・)

Layla: YOU!! Pfft!!!

Me: Wha..?? Seriously man.... (-_-;)

Layla: Come on I love you. ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

Me: And I'm not into you. (ー_ー゛)

Layla: I know...( ̄ヘ ̄;) Anyways Y/N i'mma go to agency now. I'm hungry and they will have something prepared. You coming with me??

Me: I'm not sure. I left them in a really bad mood this morning so...

Layla: Then you should really come. Because you are all better now. And I'm with you. So no more mood ruining will happen.

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