Miss you!

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Chapter 13


The girls were screaming and chanting there names. It was a sight seeing how big the crowd was. The boys looked beyond nervous. I was just the girl behind the curtain smiling and acting as normal as possible. I had no idea Jacob could dance like that though. The way he seduced the girls, grinding in their faces. I had to laugh. But while I was enjoying the show, I was also bored. If only I had someone to talk to and to say " Their doing so good!" After a two hour show, the boys ran off stage exhausted. They were breathing heavily.
" How did we do?" Ray asked me.
" You were great." I said trying to act as excited as possible. If you haven't noticed, my personality is kind of dry but I can get excited when I feel like it. This was certainly the moment to feel excited.
" Thanks." they all said. I was holding Jacob's water bottle, so I figured now is the time to give it to him.
" Here." I said handing it to him. He smiled then drank some.
" What would I do without you?" he asked and I shrugged. He kissed my cheek then ran behind the boys back to their dressing room. I shook my head then followed them. I waited outside with Keisha for the boys to finish showering and dressing.
" So you think they were good?" she asked me and I nodded.
" They were fantastic."
" Finished." Ray said still buckling his belt as he came out the dressing room. " What's next?"
" Signing autographs and taking pictures." Keisha told him and Ray groaned. " You know backstage passes that the fans received."
" Right of course." he said. Jacob came out pulling his shirt down.
" Ok I'm ready." he said then the other two boys came out.
" Ok let's go." Keisha said. Jacob grabbed my hand and held it while we walked to another room. He led me over to a couch and we both sat down.
" I have to go sign posters okay." he said and I nodded.
" I'll be fine." I told him. He smiled then kissed my forehead. He got up and walked over to a table then sat behind it. They had a bunch of posters on the table, and before they let the fans in, they began signing them. Just to get a head start. You know how it is.
" Yo let them in!" Walter called to one of the bouncer's and they opened the door. Screaming fans piled in through the door and lined up at the table. The boys kept their smiles on and they actually conversed with the fans. I thought that was sweet.
" She drew a picture of me!" Ray exclaimed and the fan blushed. " Thanks." he said then gave her a hug. She looked like she was about to faint. I heard my phone buzz so I took it out to check who texted me. Malcolm.
" What are you doing?" was what the text read. He's obviously bored or anxious to here from me.
" I'm at one of there concerts, their signing posters." I texted back. He didn't text back until five minutes later.
" Oh." he said.
" What's wrong?" I asked.
" Nothing, I miss you." he said.
" Malcolm, we can't do this now."
" All I said was I miss you."
" I know but-" I began to text but I couldn't figure out what to say. I deleted it and instead texted him " I have to go, I'll talk to you later."
No Reply.

Ugh! These two hours seem to be going by so slowly. The boys were having fun talking to their fans, while I sat in the corner, on a couch. They stopped letting fans in for five minutes to give the boys a break. Jacob laughed at some joke that was told then walked over to me. I smiled as he sat down. Act normal...
" You ok?" he asked me.
" Yeah, I'm just-"
" Bored?" he laughed.
" Yeah just a little."
" Don't worry, we'll be done in another 20 minutes or so, I think." he said. " Hey Walter, when are we finished?"
" In twenty minutes."
" See." he said then grabbed my hands. " Don't worry, we can go do something fun after words."
" Okay." I said then he kissed my lips.
" Get it Prince!" One of his other friends called and we both blushed as they laughed.
" Shut up!" he called back which made me laugh. He shook his head then walked back over to the table. Walter let the rest of the fans in and of course they were talking loud, basically showing off in the wrong way. I just sat back and relaxed. Then my phone buzzed.
" Sorry I didn't text back." from Malcolm.
" Whatever, what do you want?"
" You mad at me?"
" No."
" Good, did you think about things?"
" Still thinking."
" Good, make the right decision, okay."
" Yeah sure."
" Alex, I do miss you, and I wish you could say the same."
I hesitated before texting him back.
" I.....Miss you too..."

" Who yah texting?" Asked a voice. I looked up to see Roc.
" Nobody."
" It's obviously somebody."
" I was texting Malcolm."
" Who?"
" Malcolm my best friend."
" Oh." he looked concerned. Not for me but for Jacob. I hope he doesn't think I'm cheating. " That's cool."
" Yeah, he's a good friend." I said trying to let Roc know that everything's cool. He nodded then walked away. Jacob eyed him then sat next to me.
" Ready to go?" he asked.
Yeah definitely." I said then he we left the building.

The fans were everywhere. I had to go out the back with Keisha so that the fans wouldn't see me leave with Jacob. Then the car would pull around back and pick us up. Once I got in I noticed the boys were breathing heavily. I hunched my eyebrows.
" Fans got a hold of us." Roc said and I laughed.
" Shameful."
" Not funny." Ray said.
" They took my peace bracelet." Jacob said frowning. " That was my favorite one.'
" I'm sorry." I said trying to comfort him the best I could. I kissed his cheek which made him smile a little.
" Aren't they so cute!" Ray exclaimed with a high voice which of course made me blush. Funny thing I'm about to tell you. I never blush. It must be something I only do around Jacob. Weird. Anyway, we arrived back to our hotel then checked into our rooms.
" I'm hungry." I told Jacob.
" Me too, you guys hungry?"
" Yeah!"
" Ok, let's go find some restaurant down the street." Jacob said and we all left again. We walked outside to for once see no fans.
" This is different." Roc said.
" Diggy must be in town." Ray joked and they all laughed while I was like who is he?
We finally came across a pizza place, where we could get any type of pizza we want.
" Just the original cheese." I said.
" You don't want anything on it?" Roc asked me.
" Nope, I don't like my pizza messy." I said and he chuckled.
" Cool." he said then grabbed his own slice. We sat down towards the back so that people wouldn't recognize us, but of course that didn't last. Two girls came up and asked for autographs. Being the gentle men the boys are, they just smiled, conversed, hugged, signed, then said bye and the girls ran out screaming their heads off. I hunched my eyebrows then looked down at my plate.
" You okay?" Jacob asked me rubbing my back.
" Yeah, I think I just ate too much." I said. It was true. My stomach began to feel a little queasy. Maybe I was just tired from the long day.
" Okay let's go." Prodigy said then we all got up and left. When I got back to my hotel room, I collapsed on my bed.
" I could tell you were tired." Jacob said sitting next to me. I groaned then looked up.
" I'm not used to days like this." I said. " But I loved every bit of it."
" Good." he said. He leaned over and pecked my lips. " See you in the morning."
" Okay, night." I said as he left. I changed into my pajama's then sat back on the bed with the covers over my bottom half.
" You okay?" Malcolm texted me.
" Yeah I'm having fun, Jacob is a great guy."
" I bet he is. Keep thinking about me though."
" Whatever, I'll see you when I get back tomorrow."
" Okay, night Alex."
" Night Malcolm...."

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