Is it love?

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I continued to eat my Oreo cookie until it started to rain again. This time it was raining hard.
" Oh god!" I shouted. " We have to go."
" We can't." he said and I stared at him. " We'll just stay here for the night. It's not like our parents care anyway."
" You planned this didn't you?" I asked and he smiled. He jut wants to be with me.
" Naw, but it's nice this happened anyway."
" What if I said I was cold?" He looked at me then pulled his jacket off.
" Then I'd give you this." he wrapped it around me then pulled me close with his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I laid my head on his chest.
" How are you so warm?"
" Because I'm Jacob from twilight." he joked. I smiled and laughed lightly. He rested his head on top of mine and we just laid there with each other. I really do love him though...

" Malcolm?" I said waking up. He wasn't there. It stopped raining a while ago. I squinted my eyes because the sun shined through the cracks of the wood in the tree house. I sat up and took the Malcolm's jacket off of me. " Malcolm?" I called again. Still no answer. I crawled out of the house then climbed down the ladder. I turned around to see Malcolm sitting in the grass. I stuffed my hands in my pockets then walked slowly up to him. I sat down beside him and looked straight ahead, the same thing he was doing.
" Why don't you love me?" he asked out of the blue. I was stunned by the question.
" I do love you."
" Yeah but why don't you love me the same way you love Jacob?"
" I-"
" I don't understand!" he said cutting me off. " I do everything for you. I'm there for you, you trust me more than you trust him. What does he have that I don't?"
" Nothing, your just my best friend and-"
" Exactly, he has nothing! Is it the fact that he's popular and he has those star looks?" Now Malcolm got up and began pacing.
" No, I don't love him for the popularity and money." I argued back. " I love him for who he is."
" Can I ask you something?"
" Yeah."
" Why do you get freaked out at the thought of us being together?" he walked up to me.
" I'm not, I just don't want to hurt anybody." I started to cry.
" Well guess what, it didn't work. Cause you just hurt me." he stared at me for a few more seconds then walked away.
" Malcolm!" I called still watching him walk. " Malcolm come back please!" I continued to call his name until I could no longer see him.

" Hey mom." I said walking into the house.
" Have you been crying?" she asked walking up to me.
" Yeah what do you care?"
" I care a lot." she said. " Come here." she grabbed my hands and we sat down. I wonder what she's up to.
" Tell me what's wrong?"
" Why?"
" Because I want to help."
" You never help me any other time. " I argued. " Why should this time be any different."
" I do want to help you, you just always push me away." I was quiet. " Please honey tell me what's wrong."
" I'm in love with two guys."
" Oh." she said and sighed. " You don't have to tell me who because I think I already know."
" Yup." I said looking away. " Please don't give me that follow your heart advise cause it never works."
She laughed. " I won't. So you love them both right?"
" Yup."
" They both treat you right don't they?"
" Yup."
" You need to figure out who would fit your life style better."
" That's so obvious, Malcolm does."
" Not necessarily. Jacob could too. I know how much you love to travel."
" Yeah that's true." I said a small smile appearing.
" You need to determine who will be there for you at all times. Who doesn't care about other girls and who will always treat you right."
" They both do mom!" I started to cry again.
" They both don't love you more than the other though." she said. " Where's Jacob?"
" On tour."
" Well here's when you spend more time with Malcolm. Figure out what he'll do for you."
" Okay."
I got up and headed to my room. I turned back.
" Thanks mom." she smiled and I ran up to my room.

" Knock Knock."
Malcolm opened the door. He had a white t-shirt on and black jeans.
" What?" he asked.
" I do love you, more than just a friend." I said. That's when I smashed my lips
I do love you...

Well well
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Stay fabulous 😘😍😷

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