Earned It

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"It's Odd..."

Cate says as she stares into your eyes.

"What is?"

You ask.

"My heart... beating for someone I know nothing about."

She mutters as she rests her forehead on yours, while closing her eyes at the thought. Your hands remained on her waist and her's trailed down your arm. You stayed in that position for a while, trying to comfort her, then her breath gently brushes against your lips as she sighs and calls out your name.

 You stayed in that position for a while, trying to comfort her, then her breath gently brushes against your lips as she sighs and calls out your name

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"Y/N... save me from this feeling, this longing."

Cate rests her hand on your chest, right above your heart and pulls her head back. You know where this is going and your heart races in a way it has never done before.

Her eyes look desperate as she switches her gaze from your eyes to your mouth, slowly moving forward.

"Don't kiss me."

You say and Cate freezes.

"Don't just take my kiss, earn it."

You whisper.

"Honey, with the way your heart's beating, I think I already have."

You took one deep breath, and there they were. Those lips you longed for and the skin you craved pressed up against your own.

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