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It's later in the afternoon we are in the dressing room before our show in Dublin tonight. Max and Laura are playing table tennis whilst I sign copies of our tour programme.  
"Hey Laura do you want to sign some of these?" Laura nods. "Why don't you sign here. We'll make sure we get some photos with you in for the Australia tour." As this is my home show we share a group hug. This is Laura's first show abroad  she seems so happy with us. We each whisper something in Laura's ear to show how much she is loved:
Me - Your eyes sparkle brighter than the stars
Tom - I feel warm when I'm here with you
Max - You're such a joy to be around
Jay - You make us all laugh regardless of what day we've had
Nathan - You brighten my day

Then we give her a group hug. On the stage the atmosphere is unreal. The Irish really know how to party. I feel warm being back in my home city.  It's rare that the Wanted get to go to Ireland. But this makes it special because Laura has never been abroad. I can't believe we are over halfway through the UK leg. Tonight was so special I love seeing Laura so happy. I thoroughly enjoyed returning to my home town playing a gig in so long. Luckily we get to do it all again in Belfast tomorrow. 

we're back on the tour bus.
"So Laura how was your first show abroad?" I ask. 
"It's was the best I've ever done. Thank you for bringing me here."
"No bother my girl. We love you so much. We're back on the tour bus now. We won't be leaving it from now on. This will continue to be our home. What was your favourite part of the show?"
"I love the phone lights during show me love. The crowd get so involved. Reminds me of a night in Foley's? Do you watch Mrs Brown's Boys?"
"Oh yeah I do. A proud Irishman I am." I tell Laura. 
"Watching it runs in the family. Every time I look at Mrs Brown I see Nanna." Laura looks down at the floor.
"Don't worry you'll see her soon." I assure her. "Now how about we come downstairs we have a surprise for you." I lead Laura downstairs. The lads are in the lounge poring out champagne. Nathan comes and gives her a hug. 
"Did you enjoy show abroad?" he asks.
"It was the best. I'm so lucky to see such a lovely city. For a 14 year old girl I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to travel the world. I know a lot of 14 year olds don't get to do this. I can't wait to see what the rest of this tour brings." We raise a toast. "To more memories like this. I love you Nathan."
"I love you too my girl." Nathan says and we share a peck. "When I first met you, you were very shy and unsure whether to come to us. What you did was right telling Max then coming to me for help. I looked after you in Sheffield made you feel much better." Nathan tears up a little bit.
"Aww brother it's alright." I place my hand onto his knee. "Don't cry. She's safe. We're all here."
 "When you used to ring me at the beginning of the tour. I could sense something was wrong. I would come onto the bus to make sure you were alright. I couldn't bear anything to happen to you or if they hurt you in any way. A girl like you should not be left alone like that."
"No but she's here now. She has us with her and will never be left alone." I rub Laura's back. "We love you Laura don't forget that." Nathan wraps his arms around her protectively. 
"There's my arms. They will be round you all time. They'll catch when you fall." Max rubs her shoulder gently. "How about we put a movie on while were still in high spirits." Laura beams. She asks for see spot run followed by lady and the tramp. The pet shop scene is hilarious but my favourite has got to be the poo scene. We're in stitches watching the fella climb up the drainpipe.
"I loved this when I was a kid." Laura tells me as I hold her hand. It's lovely seeing her smile again especially over a movie.

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