Chapter 18

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I come to with a thudding headache. My eyes closed against the dull pain. The back of my skull throbs and it hurt like a bitch. I bite back a curse and move my hand to inspect the damage there, but it refuses to move. Something's restraining my arms and legs. That's when I notice, I'm tied up.

The violent hum of the electricity streaks through the air and assaults my battered head, calling forth a grimace of agony. A steady dripping echoes all around me, but it seems to come from a single source. Must be a runny tap, or a leak in the roof somewhere.

My lips are parched while hunger growls in my stomach. I crack open my eyes to better understand how deep in shit I truly am.

This was a dream. A nightmare. I'll wake up any second.

I try my hardest to wrench my arms free and feel narrow straps dig into my flesh. I cry out in pain and keep battering at the straps with my forearms. The straps dig in in deeper and draws blood. My strength is beginning to ebb, and my tortured throat lets out a pathetic cry as I attack the bonds with the remainder of my strength. I will get free, I will. And I'll escape from this hell hole. I thrust upwards with every muscle I have, and grit my teeth when the straps tighten around my form. I can feel the joints of the straps groan in strain as I push harder and harder. One of the straps pops out of its socket cleanly as a twisted arm. My teeth clench harder. A few more pushes, and I'll be free.

"It seems our guest is awake." Someone says from above me, his voice brimming with excitement.

I hear footsteps approaching and soft breathing next to me. The voice was gruff and raspy, all warmth behind it lacked any kind of compassion. This person did not like me. That much was clear.

A hard fist wrenches my head back, ripping out some of my hair in the process. I cry out as bright illumination worms its way into my eyes.

"It's nice of you to join us."

I close my eyes tightly and open them wide to see an old looking man standing above me. He shoves my head down and walks around to stand in front of me. When my eyes start to focus on the figure standing in front of me, my heart stops when I see who's standing in front of me.

Li Wei.

I stifle a laugh when I take in the most feared man that has ever lived. I look at him from head to toe, and he looks like he could die at any second.

The years have definitely not been kind. "Maggie, isn't it?"

I glare at him. "You know exactly who I am."

Li Wei stares. "And you know who I am."

"That's right, I do. I know everything there is to know about you."

He studies me with a watchful eye, then sighs. "I won't keep you waiting, my dear."

How considerate..

I tense my jaw. "Good."

He puts his hands behind his back. "The reason you are here is simple. Who told you of my background? Are you a spy?"

I start laughing. Hysterically.

He frowns and looks at me as if I'm crazy. "Something funny?"

I ignore him and continue to laugh. He backhands me, the hardest I've ever been slapped before. "I said what's so fucking funny!?"

Immediately, my cheek stings from the attack. "You know, you should never start hitting the victim because the head will get dizzy, and if that happens, I won't be able to answer your questions."

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