Chapter 19

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The moment Chen and I leave the room, the cold breeze hits my skin. I brace myself for the impact of the chaos that awaited me. When my body lands, I roll as bullets come flying our way behind a wall. There were screams and curses in Chinese as Chen dives beside me. I try to stay calm as more bullets come shooting at us. With a growl, I turn around and shoot a man on the stairs in the shoulder.

Chen grins then shoots the man who's now screaming in pain from my shot in the head. "You've got a pretty good aim."

"I learnt to shoot a gun when I was twelve years old." I mutter nonchalantly.

Best. Lesson. Ever.

Chen looks at me with surprise. "What?"

I nod proudly. "Held one when I was nine."

His eyes widen. "Are you serious?"

"I know my way around a gun. So, don't worry about me. Just look after yourself."

He bites his lip. "I don't want to leave you, but I need to find my brothers."

I wave him off. "Go, I'll be fine. You've got a role to play."

"Get yourself out of here. I'll meet you upfront."

I nod as three more men come forward. They shoot with everything they've got until bullets come flying through the air and into the side of their heads. Grabbing my gun, I turn around and shoot one of Li Wei's men right in the dick. I crouch, preparing to move on forward and at the corner of my eye, I see movement. Quick as a flash, I shoot him in the eye. He screams in pain as I walk over. Once I stop above him, he begins to cry like a little girl. With a smile, I shoot him four times in the head.

"Are you Maggie?"A voice comes from behind me.

With the gun in my hands, I turn around and find myself looking down the barrel of a gun.

I point my gun at him. "Yeah. Who are you?"

He lowers his gun and sighs in relief. "Your father sent me to come and collect you. My name is Seth."

With a silent nod, I motion for him to lead the way, and we make our move, but as we turn around, somebody shoots him in the chest. Furious, I holster my weapon and shoot him in the mouth. I then rush to Seth's side and press down on his blood-soaked chest. "Come on, get up!"

"I'm not going to make it."

"Not a chance." Shaking my head, I check him over and come across a throwing knife. I take it from him and without hesitation, I dig into the bullet wound. "I'm sorry, but this is going to fucking hurt."

He hisses and roars in pain until finally I get the bullet out and chuck it somewhere on the floor. I help him to his feet and wrap his arm over my shoulder. All we can hear are screams, crying, and prayers. We walk together, guns cocked and walk towards the front door. With dust in the air and the smell of sweat, it makes me wonder how long the gunfight's been going on. It's fucking chaos in here and I want nothing more than to get out of here.

"We've got to go!"

"Go! Save yourself!"

"Seth, which way?"

He coughs and groans as he points in front of me. "Straight on."

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The three rounds send splinters flying in the air with even more dust. The gun-smoke and sawdust start to irritate my lungs so bad I have to cough. I pull my pistol up and empty the clip into the figure hiding in one of the rooms. I shoot him at point-blank range, no less than two feet away. He screams and falls to the ground. Dead.

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