Chapter 1

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"Ok so it starts like this" iskall started

"I'm gonna go out for a bit to grab some air see you in a bit" scar said waving to his group of grian, mumbo, iskall, xisuma, ren and impulse having a little get together to just have fun

"Scars been gone a while now" grian said while rolling the dice

"Well there's a storm outside so he could have gotten stuck" impulse added taking money from grian after he landed on his property "(yes they're playing monopoly)

"Storm!?" grian asked with a panicked expression

"Yeah but scars probably fine he most likely found shelter" iskall said handing mumbo a property he just bought

"I should go make sure he's fine" he said getting out of his seat before ren grabbed his arm

"If you leave you could get hurt, you should stay here and be safe" ren said

"Yeah gri scar will be fine" mumbo added buying some houses for his set

"Scar gets hurt all the time it isn't safe to leave him out their alone" grian said running out the door

Grian was using his wings to fly through the tough conditions outside but he had to stop when some of his feathers started falling out so he just ran instead a skeleton came out from behind him and shot him in his thigh "ow! dang it" he wasn't able to run anymore so he had to walk the skeleton shot again hitting his shoulder he screamed in pain but kept going until he saw scar in the distance fighting off a zombie "SCAR!" he called as scar killed the zombie and looked around

Grian ignored the pain as he ran towards scar "g-grian your bleeding what are you doing out here" grian smiled "don't worry about me i was looking for you i was worried you'd get hurt in the storm" scar looked at the wounds on him with a worried expression "i'm fine you're the one who's hurt cmon lets get back" scar said grabbing his arm and started walking pulling him along as the winged hermit seemed to stop in his tracks scar started to turn to look at his but then


Scar looked behind him to see grian being hit with a huge stone on his head after the stone then fell to the floor too heavy for the wind to pick back up "GRIAN!" scar yelled as he started falling to the floor his head bleeding badly he picked him up bridal style and grabbed some rockets and readying his elytra and flying back to the hangout as quickly as he could

As he stepped through the door the other hermits look towards him as their eyes lay on grian they stare in horror mumbo was the first to speak "oh my god what happened!" he said, then telling iskall to grab out one of the futons ''h-he found me... he had two arrow wounds.. So i-i was gonna take him back but then he got hit with a big block of stone" scar said out of breath iskall went and grabbed grian from him and placed him on the futon and started treating his wounds then wrapping them in bandages when he was done

"He'll probably be fine scar" iskall said reassuring scar "it's not your fault"

Scar had knelt next to the futon he felt bad about what had happened if he had gotten back sooner or not went out at all grian wouldn't have went looking for him

"And that's what had happened" (other than the part he was alone i wrote that for reader convenience ) iskall explained to the small hermit "that was a week ago now me and mumbo offered to check up on you. Then you woke up and you know the rest'' grian nodded "oh... so that's why he said it was his fault" iskall smiled "yeah but it wasn't, it wasn't yours either remember that it was an accident" "hey iskall. Do you think I'll get my memories back?" he asked looking to the side "i don't know we have to figure out more about what happened but from what happened... you were hit in the head with a hard object but if were lucky this will only be temporary" iskall said grian smiled "i hope so"

"Look we should get to spawn they are gonna start worrying about us" iskall suggested sitting back up "yeah. Ok" grian nodded "i can carry you if you want or you could use your wings" iskall said gesturing to the purple tinted wings on grains back "i think i'll use the wings i'll probably have to get use to them" he replied "ok follow me i'll show you the way and if you have trouble you can ask for help" iskall said readying his elytra and some rockets as the small hermit nodded

As iskall got up into the air grian following as fast as he could, soon landing into a place with lots of different kinds of shops. Grian looked around in awe until he heard his name being called out. He looked around to see a big group of people he guessed were the other hermits some them were saying things like "good to see you awake" or "hey grian" he started to get anxious they all knew him but he had no clue who they were his mind was racing should he reply or should he say nothing what if they started asking him questions. He was brought out of his thoughts by iskall tapping him on the shoulder "you ok G your trembling" he nodded slowly "y-yeah just wasn't expecting this many people" some of the other hermits noticed the panicked expression on the winged hermits face.

Before any questions were asked xisuma spoke up "everyone as you can see grian is awake but... uh" he stopped for a bit as grian walked towards where he was pushing his anxiety down and much as he can "well he ended up suffering memory loss" xisuma finished as grain fidgeted with his hands as some gasps where heard across the group. looking up he could see almost everyone's eyes on him stunned

"From what we know he has lost the last 12 years of memories. the last thing he remembers was from when he was 15" xisuma explained then turning to face grian. His face was pale and there were droplets of sweat falling from his forehead xisuma could tell he was overwhelmed so in a quick decision he put his hands on grains shoulders and guided him over to where iskall and mumbo had gathered "he's overwhelmed hes knows you two most right now so it would be better if he stayed with you" xisuma said as he reached the two
Iskall turned to mumbo after xisuma had left them "i don't think we should leave him alone in his base, you think you could maybe let him sleep in your base or i don't know sleep in his" he suggested "plus you being his best friend i'm sure this is quite hard on you so maybe this could help" mumbo nodded "yeah he can stay with me i don't mind" mumbos face turned back to the crowd of people bombarding xisuma with questions other than scar of course who was standing a bit to the back of the group then knelt to get to eye level with grian (not too much he didn't shrink remember that!"

"Hey gri we thought it would be best if you stayed with me for awhile until you get a handle on what your doing here or if your memories come back" mumbo said putting his hand atop the others head "o-ok sure" grian said forming a small smile "wait here with iskall for a sec i'll go explain everything to xisuma" mumbo said running towards xisuma telling him the plan grian could see xisuma nod then say something that he couldn't hear then mumbo rushing back "ok grian will be staying with me until he feels comfortable to go back to his base alone and if your ok with it we were thinking you could be... "introduced" to the other hermits one by one it could help with your memories" he said as he made it back grian nodded "i can do that" iskall smiled "sounds like we got a plan, mumbo grian i'll meet you at his base so we can grab some of his stuff" he said flying off mumbo turned back to grian "you seem to have good control of your wings so you wanna get going" he smiled "yea i do"


AHHHH im done with chapter 1

Anyway i was planning something sweet for a storyline but i kinda wanna make it into angst

So angst or sweet?

I kinda wanna do a bit of sangst (what i call stories with sam and angst in it)

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