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           Its the morning of July 31st aka my 15th birthday and i was woken up to my mum and dad coming into my room with mail in their hands. I was very confused cause i dont have any friends from school because everyone thinks im weird. "Hunny we got a letter for you" My dad said with a smile on his face. My mum handed me a letter and I couldn't find where it came from so i just opened it. The first line of the letter read, Y/n Thomson you have been accepted into the school of Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry.
          I screamed."IM A WITCH?!" I yelled at my parents. "Yes Hunny we have know for awhile we just wanted to wait till you were ready to know" my mum told me. I ran up to my parents and hugged them so tight."the letter tells me to go to diagon ally to get all my school books" i told my mum and dad." We are taking you there today to get your stuff and your birthday present!" My mum said excitedly at me. My parents had always been just normal people, so why am i a witch? "Hunny get ready we're leaving in 20 minutes!" My dad said as him and mum were walking away.
          I got dressed and ran downstairs to see my mum and dad waiting on the couch for me. They may have been and little mean to me some days but these kind if days were always my favorite.
(Abuse warning for the flashback dont read if it bothers you pls)
*flashback to a month ago*
         I came home from school to my dad going through everything in my room. He took out all my clothes that were 'inappropriate' and all my makeup from my room. "DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING THATS MY STUFF!" I screamed at him "Young lady you do not shout at your father!" My dad yelled "I WONT SHOUT AT YOU IF YOU GIVE ME MY STUFF BACK!" I yelled back at my father. At that moment he slapped me.he continued to slap me till i was on the floor passed out. He would always do this and mum would stand there watching doing absolutely nothing. I would come to school all the time with bruises on my arms,legs and face. Nobody seemed to care
*End of flashback*
        We had made it to diagon ally I didn't understand it but we made it. My parents told me to get all my stuff and they would go get my birthday present.
          I had gotten all my books and main items and now i just needed a wand and a pet. I made it to olivanders wand shop and was greeted by the man. He pulled out a couple wands and one when i picked it up a lamp on the other side of the shop shattered. After 2 more wands and 2 more broken lamps the man walked to the back of the shop and slowly grabbed a wand "curious, very curious" he said to himself. He handed me the wand and a golden light lit up the dim room. "Sir why were you saying it was curious?" I asked the man politely. He had said "This very wand has a Phoenix feather in the center of it, that very phoenix had only left 2 other feathers. And one of the other wands had just been bought 4 years ago by a boy who looked very similar to you"
          I walked out of the shop very confused but that didn't last long when I turned and saw my mum holding a bird cage with a black and grey owl in it and my dad holding a small box. "Y/n we got you your gifts!" My mum said as she gave my dad the cage and came running up and gave me a big hug. My dad seemed to be in a bad mood so I tried to stay away from him but that didn't work when we got home.
( trigger warning abuse pls skip until i say over. if it makes you uncomfortable)
         Me and my mum walked into our house and i told her im gonna go upstairs and try to read as much if my new books as i can. She told me that was fine. I got to my room shut to door and as i sat on my bed I could hear my dad walk through the front door and slam it behind him which made me jump. I had always been scared of my dad and with me starting a new school starting tomorrow i didn't want to have bruises all over but I guess we don't always get what we want.
         I heard my dad stomp up to stairs hearing my mums footsteps behind him. I knew this wasn't gonna end well so i just tried to ignore him knocking on my door but that just made it worse. Me slammed open my door and ripped the book out if my hand. " Y/N THOMSON YOU DO NOT IGNORE YOUR FATHER ALL DAY MAKE ME AND YOUR MOTHER SPEND ALL THAT MONEY ON YOUR STUPID GIFTS AND THEM CONTINUE TO IGNORE ME WHEN I TRY TO TALK TO YOU!" He screamed at me as i was sitting on my bed trying to get ready for what he was going to do to me. But instead of just slapping me he punched me in the face, stomach, arms, and legs this time he did it to the point that I didn't pass out i just was on the edge if passing out so I would have to feel the pain of it worse. Then when he was done he just left with my mum following behind him. I had cried myself to sleep that night.
         I had woken up the next day with bruises all over my body including my face. Then I remember i go to Hogwarts today and i started packing my stuff
(Its over now)
        I packed my things and got dressed for the day and walked downstairs to my mum making eggs for me. It was 10:15 and we had a 20 minute drive to the train station so i ate and then me, my mum, and my dad walked out to the car with my dragging my trunk out to the car and putting it in the backseat next to me.
        We made it to the station and figured out how to go through yo platform 9 3/4. Before i ran through the wall my mu stopped me and gave me a box and hugged me goodbye. "Bye mum, Bye dad i love you and see you at Christmas!" I said trying to forget what my dad did last night. "Bye hunny we'll miss you!" My mum said as my dad just stood there watching. I ran through the wall and got transported to a platform with a train reading "Hogwarts express" i put my trunk by the others and went on the train sitting in an empty compartment.
          I heard a knock on the door of the compartment as the train was leaving and saw a boy with a couple people behind him." Oh hi im Lorenzo berkshire, i um was wondering if me and my friends could come sit in here? All the other compartments are full." He said to me. " oh of course you can." I said even though i wasnt really in the mood to talk to people considering my dad didn't say bye to me.
        "This is Pansy" he said pointing to the girl as she walked in and sat beside me "and this is draco, mattheo, and theodore who you can call theo." Lorenzo said to me " Hi im y/n nice to meet you all" i said looking around at them. "Enzo why are we sitting with this girl" the boy with blonde hair who I assume is draco. " she's probably a mudblood" the boy with curly brown hair said and I assumed he was mattheo. "Because there are no other open compartments"Lorenzo said to them. "Um guys if you dont mind me asking whats a mudblood?" I asked them confused. "See enzo we told you shes a mudblood" Mattheo said to Lorenzo. "Hey y/n im sorry about them, a mudblood or dirty blood means a witch or wizard whos muggle born." Lorenzo said to me. At least he was nice. " oh well if they dont want me here ill just grab my stuff and go" i said standing up and grabbing my stuff then leaving.

Ok tell me if this is good or not pls i wrote for so long and I think its good so !!!!!

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