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(Time skip to a week before Christmas break)
It was dinner and I decided yo actually go after skipping most after the draco incident. Before dinner had started Dumbledore needed to make an announcement "as some of you may know every year 4th years and up have the annual yule ball the night before break. Thats it you may begin!" Dumbledore said to everyone. Pansy being her usual self asked me who I wanted to go with. "Y/n who are you gonna go with!!!" Pansy basically screamed at me. "I dont know, i'll probably just not go" i told her. I had lied. Over these last couple weeks me and mattheo have grown to be friends after that one dinner and ive sort of caught feelings. But absolutely nobody could ever know considering hes a riddle he cant love.
"Y/N YOU NEED TO GOOOOO!!" Pansy continued about the yule ball. "I dont have a date and if i dont have a date im not going!" "So if i find you a date you will go??!!" I nodded to Pansy. The only person i wanted to go with was Mattheo.

Mattheo's POV
After dinner me and enzo headed to our shared dorm. "Enzo are you gonna ask anyone to the yule ball?" I asked him curious. "Erm i was thinking about asking someone but i dont think they like me" "Enzo who wouldn't like you your perfect you have good parents and never do anything bad" i said to enzo "mattheo are you planning on asking someone? If do can i know who??" Enzo asked me and i thought for a second about if I should tell him. "Only if you tell me first" i said. "Pansy" he muttered out."wait actually!" "Yea I really like her" "ask her i can tell by the way she looks at you" "okay now tell me who you want to ask" i got nervous for a second but then finally did it
"Y/n"i said super quickly and quietly. " who?" Enzo asked "Y/N!" I shouted. "Bro the whole school probably just heard you. But you should ask her ive seen the way she looks at you while your not looking. Just ask before all the other guys drooling over her do" enzo saying that kind of gave me courage to do it so I decided that tomorrow i will go and do it.
(Next morning)
It was breakfast and i was hoping Y/n would come but as always she didn't. I couldn't ask her in class cause thats just weird. I walked into the great hall for lunch nervous because i know most days she comes to lunch not really to eat but just to hangout with us. I sat down waiting to see her gorgeous face walk through those doors.
There she came her gorgeous hair flowing as she walked, her beautiful brown eyes glowing in the sunlight. God what is this girl doing to me. Before she could sit down i ran up to her and asked her if i could speak to her outside the hall and she agreed as we were walking out i quickly turned around and winked at enzo and he smiled to me and mouthed the words "go get em"
          I walked her out and said it
        "Y/n will you go to the yule ball with me" mattheo asked me. I stood there in shock "im gonna assume thats a no, so im sorry thats embarrassing goodbye" mattheo said as he started walking away "Mattheo!" I yelled he quickly turned around and tilted his head "you didn't give me a chance to say yes mattheo ill go to the ball with you!" I smiled as i said that but internally i was screaming as loud as you can. He looked at me and smiled the waved his hand mentioning to follow him back in the great hall we both walked in smiling. Before i could make it to the table hermione grabbed my wrist and pulled me back out of the hall.
           "Y/n!"she screamed as she pulled me into a big hug "mione what is that for??" "You getting yourself a date of course!" "Wait how do you know?" "The smile, i know my best friends smile anywhere and that was the 'i just got myself a date to my first ever yule ball' smile!" "Awe mione i love you. Do you have a date?" I asked her curious on if my best friend got herself a date "yea i do actually" "WHO?!" I asked excited yo know "Ron Weasley" "awe I always see how you guys look at each other im so happy for you!" After a bit more of talking we walked back into the hall and went our separate ways
           I sat at the table to everyone staring at me "what?" "Why were you talking to that mudblood?" Theo asked from beside me "Erm i dont know if you remember but im a so called 'mudblood' theo" i said to him in a almost yell the walked off to my dorm.
           I decided to write my mum so I could get money for a dress
Dear mum, 
          Hey mum so hogwarts has this yearly yule ball that you go to and i was wondering if you or dad could send me some money for a dress? I love you and i'll see you in a couple days i miss you
         I was scared to go home for the holidays but mum and dad were forcing me to. Dad probably just wants me home so he can beat me some more considering my bruises are all gone now. After a couple hours of just sitting in my room all alone after what happened at lunch I decided to just go to bed even though it was only 6:40 pm. After 5 minutes i fell into a deep sleep

The Unknown Potter (Mattheo Riddle x Y/N PotterWhere stories live. Discover now